SuiteTax Latam Engine Tax Determination Process
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The SuiteTax Latam Engine enables you to use different plug-ins to calculate taxes on transactions. For each sale or purchase transaction, NetSuite determines which tax determination rules to apply. Then, the system triggers the appropriate plug-in implementation to calculate the tax amounts.
Tax Determination and Calculation
The tax determination process starts when you click Save or Preview Tax in a transaction. NetSuite gathers information from the transaction to identify tax determination rules records that match the provided information.
After it determines the eligible rules, the system uses the item code and operation code to identify which of those rules apply to each item in the transaction. Multiple tax determination rules can apply to the same item, and the rules can have several associated tax codes.
If NetSuite finds rules that have parent tax determination rules, SuiteTax Latam Engine first calculates the taxes from tax determination rules without parents. Then, the tax engine calculates the taxes from the rules with parents.
This order ensures the parent is calculated before the child. The hierarchy established through tax determination rules parent/child relationships can be leveraged to consider or not a given tax amount on another tax's calculation basis, for example. The hierarchy of rules can have multiple levels.
To calculate the appropriate taxes, NetSuite triggers the plug-in implementations associated with the tax codes records. The plug-in implementation must be prepared to handle the particularities of each tax's calculation, such as adding or removing amounts from tax calculation basis.
After the calculation, NetSuite displays the tax amounts on the transaction’s Tax Details subtab and Summary box.
If NetSuite does not find any applicable tax determination rules, the system does not calculate taxes and displays an error message.
The following diagram summarizes SuiteTax Latam Engine's tax determination process:
Transaction and Tax Determination Rules Fields Matching
The SuiteTax Latam Engine uses the following fields to gather the information needed to match a transaction with the eligible tax determination rules:
Transaction Type |
Transaction Field |
Tax Determination Rules Field |
Purchase Transactions |
Item |
Under General Information:
Subsidiary |
Under General Information:
Under Receiver Information:
Vendor |
Under Issuer Information:
Operation Code |
Under General Information:
Sales Transactions |
Item |
Under General Information:
Subsidiary |
Under General Information:
Under Issuer Information:
Customer or Customer/Project |
Under Receiver Information:
Operation Code |
Under General Information:
The SuiteTax Latam Engine uses the customer or vendor’s default shipping address to determine their country, state and city. If you want to use a different address in a specific transaction, click the Shipping subtab and select another address.
Additional Properties for Tax Calculation
For more specific tax scenarios, the SuiteTax Latam Engine provides the plug-in implementation with additional properties that the plug-in can use to calculate tax amounts:
Amount and net amount – The SuiteTax Latam Engine provides the plug-in implementation with both the amount and net amount of each line item. The net amount considers the discounts applied to items or the entire transaction.
The plug-in implementation can use either the amount or net amount to comply with tax regulations.
Shipping and handling costs – If shipping or handling costs apply to the transaction, the SuiteApp provides the plug-in implementation with their total and proportional amounts. To obtain the proportional amount, NetSuite divides the individual amount of each line item by the sum of all the items. Then, the system multiplies it by the total shipping or handling amounts.
By default, the SuiteTax Latam Engine does not consider shipping and handling costs in the tax determination process. Shipping and handling items do not appear as line items in the Tax Details subtab.
Additional tax information – If you map transaction fields as additional tax information, the SuiteApp provides the plug-in with the information contained in the transaction fields.
The plug-in must be prepared to handle the additional tax information properly. For more information about mapping, see Creating Tax Information Mapping Records.
Related Topics
- SuiteTax Latam Engine
- SuiteTax Latam Engine SuiteApp Installation
- Roles and Permissions for the SuiteTax Latam Engine
- Enabling the SuiteTax Latam Engine Plug-in
- SuiteTax Latam Engine Supported Transactions
- General Tax Plug-in for the SuiteTax Latam Engine
- SuiteTax Latam Engine Country-Specific SuiteApps
- SuiteTax Latam Engine Attributes
- SuiteTax Latam Engine Setup
- Overriding Tax Bases and Tax Rates for the SuiteTax Latam Engine
- Troubleshooting the Tax Calculation in SuiteTax Latam Engine
- SuiteTax Latam Engine Best Practices and Known Limitations