Creating E-Document Templates for EFD-Reinf (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp)

Brazilian Hub Reporting supports eight EFD-Reinf report events. You must create e-document templates for each event you intend to send. NetSuite uses the templates to generate e-documents and send them to tax authorities for certification.

To create e-document templates for EFD-Reinf events:

  1. Go to Setup > E-Documents > E-Document Templates > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name according with the event type:

    • EFD-Reinf - R–1000 – event that contains the taxpayer's registration information and data needed for validating the next EFD-Reinf events.

    • EFD-Reinf - R–1070 – event that sends information about legal and administrative proceedings in compliance with regular and auxiliary tax obligations.

    • EFD-Reinf - R–2010 – event that sends information about electronic invoices for received services that had INSS tax withheld.

    • EFD-Reinf - R–2020 – event that sends information about electronic invoices for provided services that had INSS tax withheld.

    • EFD-Reinf - R–2098 – event that reopens the report of a specific period.

    • EFD-Reinf - R–2099 – event that closes the report of a specific period.

      If you create the R-2099 e-document template, you must also create the R–2099 status request template. For more information, see Creating the R-2099 Status Request Template (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp).

    • EFD-Reinf -R-9000 – event that voids previous events that you sent erroneously.

  3. In the E-Document Package field, select BRHub E-Document.

    For more information, see Creating the Brazilian E-Document Package for Electronic Invoices for Goods (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  4. In the Digital Signature Plugin Implementation field, select E-Document Digital Signature Plug-in.

  5. In the Custom Data Source Plugin Implementation field, select BRHub Certification Data Source Plug-in.

  6. In the Transaction Type field, select Invoice.

  7. In the Subsidiary field, select the Brazilian subsidiaries that send EFD-Reinf events.

  8. In the Content Type field, verify that the displayed option is XML.

  9. In the Template for Outbound E-Documents field, enter the XML content of the outbound e-document template.

    The XML file is available in the File Cabinet of your NetSuite account. For more information, see Predefined E-Document Template Files for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  10. Click Save.

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