Creating CNAB Segment Fields (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

After you create the layout CNAB record, you must create the layout’s campos segmento CNAB (CNAB segment fields) records. You must create campos segmento CNAB records for each segment on the layout.

You can create the records manually or through CSV import.

If you make or receive payments with the banks that are predefined by the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp, you should create the campos segmento CNAB records through CSV import. Before you start creating the records, create a case with NetSuite Customer Support to request the CSV files for the fields.

Creating CNAB Segment Fields Manually

You can create the campos segmento CNAB records one by one, manually.

To create CNAB segment fields manually:

  1. Go to BRHub > Arquivos Bancários > Layout CNAB.

  2. Find the layout CNAB record you want, and then click View.

  3. Click the Segmento subtab.

  4. Find the segmento CNAB record you want, and then click Edit.

    The segmento CNAB record opens in edit mode.

  5. Click the Campos subtab.

  6. Click New Campos Segmento CNAB.

    A new campos segmento CNAB opens.

  7. In the Campo field, select the segment’s field.

  8. In the Posição Inicial field, enter the number of the initial position of the field.

  9. In the Posição Final field, enter the number of the final position of the field.

  10. In the Tamanho field, enter the amount of digits the field has.

  11. (Optional) In the Default field, enter a default value to be populated in the field.

  12. In the Autocomplete field, select the type of value that should be automatically populated in the positions not used in this field.

    Refer to the bank’s guides to learn more about how the field should be autocompleted.

  13. Click Save.

    Repeat the previous steps to create the campos segmento CNAB records for all the segments in the layout.

Creating CNAB Segment Fields Through CSV Import

You can create campos segmento CNAB records by importing CSV files.

To create CNAB segment fields through CSV import:

  1. Go to BRHub > Arquivos Bancários > Layout CNAB.

  2. Find the layout CNAB record and click View to open it in view mode.

  3. Click the Segmentos subtab.

  4. In the Segmentos subtab, click the Segmento CNAB subtab.

  5. Find the segment for which you want to create field records.

  6. Find the internal ID of the segment in the ID column. Take note of this internal ID.

    The internal ID number is important when importing the field records for the segment.

  7. Create the campos segmento CNAB records.

    You must create the records through CSV import.

    1. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.

    2. On scan & upload CSV file step, enter the following information:

      1. In the Import Type field, select Custom Records.

      2. In the Record Type field, select Campos Segmento CNAB.

      3. In the Character Encoding field, select the file’s character encoding format.

      4. In the CSV Column Delimiter field, select the symbol used as a column separator in the file.

      5. In the CSV File(s) field, choose One File to Upload and click Select... to select the CSV file from your computer.

    3. Click Next.

      The import option step opens.

    4. Under Data Handling, choose Add.

    5. Click Next.

      The field mapping step opens. On this step, you must match the fields from your CSV file to the proper NetSuite fields.

    6. In the Your Fields pane, click the name of a field from the CSV file.

    7. In the NetSuite Fields pane, click the name of the corresponding NetSuite field.

    8. Repeat the previous two steps until you match all the the CSV file fields to the NetSuite fields.

      Match the fields according to this chart:

      Your Fields

      NetSuite Fields


      Campos Segmento CNAB: Autocomplete


      Campos Segmento CNAB: Campo (Req.)


      Campos Segmento CNAB: Segmento

      Posição Inicial

      Campos Segmento CNAB: Posição Inicial (Req.)

      Posição Final

      Campos Segmento CNAB: Posição Final (Req.)


      Campos Segmento CNAB: Tamanho (Req.)



    9. Define a default value for the Autocomplete field.

      1. On the center pane, click the pencil icon Pencil Icon next to the Autocomplete field.

        The Default Value window opens.

      2. Choose the Choose Reference Type option.

      3. Next to the Choose Reference Type option, select Internal ID from the list.

      4. Click Done.

    10. Define a default value for the Segmento field.

      1. On the center pane, click the pencil icon Pencil Icon next to the Segmento field.

        The Default Value window opens.

      2. Choose the Provide Default Value option.

      3. In the dropdown list at the bottom of the window, select the internal ID of the segment you want to link these fields to.

        This is the internal ID you previously noted.

      4. Click Done.

    11. Click Next.

      The save mapping & start import step opens.

    12. (Optional) If you want, enter the relevant mapping information.

      This can help you when you are tracking the import's progress, or if you want to edit or run the import again later. For more information, see Step Five Save Mapping & Start Import.

    13. Click Save & Run.

      This saves and runs the import. A message confirms that the import process started.

    14. Click Job Status to view the import status.

      Refresh the page until the status in the Status column states that the import is Completed. This means that NetSuite created the campos segmento CNAB record.

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