Manage Translations Page Strings Subtab
The Strings subtab shows information about the strings in the account. You can view all strings in all collections or filter to view strings in a specific collection. You can also view information about specific strings.
View information about the strings in the Manage Translations UI:
Source String -The translation string in the source language.
Description - The translation string’s description. This description helps translation vendors understand the context of the term to provide an accurate translation. The description of the translation string is the when, where, and why users see the source string in the application.
Translations -The number of languages to which the term has been translated. The exclamation mark signifies that some translations are missing. If you have selected a language in the Language dropdown list above, this column displays source string translations into the selected language.
Collection -The collection in which the string is included.
Used In -The location in which this the respective string is used in NetSuite. This field was added to provide useful context for customers, partners or translators.
Used As. The category of this respective string in NetSuite. This field was added to provide useful context for customers, partners or translators.
You can enter or edit the descriptions of source strings by simply clicking the translation string in the Description column.
For more information about editing strings, see Modifying Translation Collection Strings.
You can manage the strings in Translation Collections from the Strings subtab. For more information, read Working with Translation Collection Strings.