Entering a Work Order

Complete the following procedure to enter either a custom or standard work order. The order and availability of these fields may differ depending on the form you select.

To enter the work order primary information section:

  1. Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders.

    If a Custom Form is defined for this work order, select a form.

  2. The Order# is generated automatically.

    1. To enter another order number, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Auto-Generated Numbers (Administrator).

    2. On the Transactions subtab, next to Work Order, check the Allow Override box.


    3. Click Save.

      You can enter another number, however the next order number will revert to the standard pattern.

  3. Select a Customer.

  4. Select the Assembly you need to build.

    After you select the item, the assembly components appear on the Items subtab.

    After you associate an assembly build with this work order, you cannot change this field.

  5. If you use Advanced Bills of Materials, the related Bill of Materials is automatically selected.

    If you use Advanced Bills of Materials, the related Bill of Materials Revision is automatically selected based on revision effective dates and Production Start Date (the date when the backward scheduling method selected).

  6. To build member assembly items to complete the work order, check the Mark Sub-Assemblies Phantom box.

    Clearing this box does not refresh or remove sub-assembly components on the Items subtab. To reload the BOM for a top level assembly, select a different assembly in the Assembly field.

    To reload a BOM for a phantom sub-assembly, change the item source for the sub-assembly to Phantom.


    After you associate an assembly build with this work order, you cannot change this field.

    For information about using the work order and demand planning, see Work Orders and Sub-Assemblies.

  7. To designate the work order to use WIP instead of a standard assembly build, check the WIP box.

    This option is only available when the order status is Released.

  8. Select the related Manufacturing Routing.

    This list is only available when the WIP box is checked.

  9. To calculate lag times for operation tasks, check the Auto-Calculate Lag box.

    For more information, see Operations Overlap

  10. Enter the Quantity of assembly items you want to create. This can be a fractional number.

    The item's available quantity is calculated based on availability across all locations. Changing the header location does not affect the item availability used on the line.


    After an assembly build is associated with this work order, the quantity can be changed only by closing the work order and then making a copy or creating a new work order. Closing the work order sets the back order amount to zero for the component items. However, it has no financial impact on the created assembly Item.

  11. Click the calendar icon to select a new Date, or accept the default date.

    The default Status is Released.

  12. To firm the order, check the Firmed box.

    This box is checked by default for Released orders.

  13. Optionally, enter a Memo for this work order.

    You can search for the memo text to find this work order.

    This field defaults to show the transaction date plus lead time.

  14. Routing and demand planning generate supply work orders that enable you to select one of the following Scheduling Methods to calculate production requirements:

    • Forward Scheduling – set the production start date. NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations to finish the task. The production end date is determined based on these calculations.

    • Backward Scheduling – set the production end date. This is the date items need to be completed. NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations. The production start date is determined based on these calculations.

      To learn more, see Production Scheduling Methods Overview.

  15. In the Supply Required by Date field, enter the date the item must be shipped to the customer.

  16. The Production Start Date automatically defaults to the current date. Depending on your settings, the current date will reflect your location or subsidiary time zone.

    Production start date automatically defaults to the current day in your location time zone, if it is set. Otherwise, NetSuite will default to the subsidiary time zone if it is set. If neither location or subsidiary are set as default time zones, NetSuite defaults to your company time zone.

  17. The Production End Date defaults to the production start date plus lead time.

    When you use Routing you can set the Scheduling Method to Forward (production end date is computed automatically) or Backward (production start date is computed automatically based on the selected production end date).

    To learn more, see Production Scheduling Methods Overview.

  18. The Actual Production Start Date field is automatically populated based on the earliest date of the related Issue Components, Completion, or Assembly Build transactions

    To override an actual production date, check Enter Manually. Select a new date from the calendar and then click Save.

  19. The Actual Production End Date field is automatically populated based on the latest date of the related Completion (after the Close transaction entry) or Assembly Build transactions.

  20. If you use the Outsourced Manufacturing feature, click the Outsourcing subtab and then complete the fields, as required. For more information, see Outsourced Manufacturing.

  21. Click the Relationships subtab, and then follow the steps below, as required.

    1. Check the Update Customer box to update the sales team on the customer's record with changes made.

    2. Select a Partner and partner role, if necessary.

    3. Check the box in the Primary column if this partner is the lead.

    4. In the Contribution % column, enter the contribution percentage for each team member.

    5. Click Add.

  22. If you use Team Selling, click the Sales Team subtab, and then complete the following steps, as required.

    1. Select the sales team responsible for this sale.

      The members of the sales team appear below. You can edit each team member's sales role and contribution for this transaction or add team members, if needed.

    2. Select the sales team responsible for this sale.

      The members of the sales team appear below. You can edit each team member's sales role and contribution for this transaction or add team members, if needed.

    3. In the Choose Team field, select a sales team to associate with this transaction. To create a sales team, go to Lists > Relationships > New > Select Sales Team Members.

    4. Check the Update Customer box if you want to update the sales team on the customer's record with changes you make here.

    5. Select an Employee and Sales Role if necessary.

    6. Check the box in the Primary column if this employee is the lead.

    7. In the Contribution % column, enter the contribution percentage for each team member.

    8. Click Add.

  23. Click the Communication subtab, and then complete the following steps, as required.

    1. On the Events subtab, enter events.

    2. On the Tasks subtab, view or enter CRM tasks records.

      For information about tasks, see Working with CRM Tasks.

    3. On the Phone Calls subtab, view or enter new phone calls.

    4. On the Files subtab, you can select and add files from the File Cabinet that are associated with this contact.

      Select -New- to upload a new file to the File Cabinet.

    5. On the User Notes subtab, add and track notations.

  24. Click Save.

To complete the work order classification section::

  1. Select a Department to associate with the assemblies on this work order. This selection is carried over to the assembly build.

    Click the new icon (+) to enter a new department.

  2. Select a Sales Channel to associate with the assemblies on this work order. This selection is carried over to the assembly build.

    Click the new icon (+) to enter a new channel.

  3. Select a Location to display only work orders for that location. This location is also displayed in the assembly build.

    If you use the Multi-Location Inventory, component inventory items are committed from the selected location.

    To learn more, see Mass Creating Work Orders.

To complete the work order items subtab:

  1. The Items subtab displays the following information:




    The components needed to make the assembly item.

    Days Late

    The number of days the delivery is late.

    Component Yield

    The anticipated yield loss during the manufacturing process.

    BOM Quantity

    The quantity of the component used to build an item assuming no loss.


    The amount required for the assembly when one unit of the assembly is being built. This value is automatically calculated from the entries.


    The base units of the component used in the parent assembly.

    Inventory Detail

    Set the bin, inventory status, or or serial detail.

    Expected Supply Date

    The estimated date for the item to be provided.

    Reallocate Order Item

    The Reallocate Order item generates intelligent supply re-allocation recommendations with reasonably little effect on other orders.


    The item description as recorded on the item record.

    Allocation Strategy

    The allocation strategy used to define the rules to allocate selected inventory items.

    Commitment Confirmed

    When the Commitment Confirmed box is checked, you cannot reallocate the committed quantities to a different order

    Order Priority

    To change the order priority of added items, specify a value in the Order Priority column.


    Any custom options associated with the item.

    Item Source

    Specifies the preferred method of supply for a particular item: Stock, Phantom, Purchase Order, and Work Order.

After the work order is recorded, you can enter an assembly build against the order to close it.

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General Notices