Creating Bancos Records in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The bancos (banks) record stores information about banking institutions. The Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp provides a set of predefined bancos records for the main banks in Brazil. NetSuite creates the predefined records automatically when you install the SuiteApp.

All the predefined records include the name of the banking institution they identify, the bank’s Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) code, and the Identificador de Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro (ISPB) code. The Bradesco and Santander banks require the ISPB code for making payments to vendors (through the PagFor service).

BRHub also includes the data required for generating payment slips for the following banks’ predefined records:

You should not edit the predefined records the SuiteApp provides. Changes on the records may cause issues when generating payment slips or when making payments.

If you make payments to a bank that is not included among the predefined records, you can create a bancos record for the bank.

If you create a bancos record to receive payments, before you create the record, make sure you have already created the bank slip plug-in implementation record. For more information, see Payment Slip Plug-in Creation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

To create a bancos record in Brazil:

  1. Go to BRHub > Arquivos Bancários > Bancos > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the banking institution.

  3. In the Código field, enter the BACEN code associated with the institution.

  4. (Optional) If you are creating a bancos record to receive payments, in the Template Boleto field, enter the bank slip template in HTML.

  5. (Optional) If you are creating a bancos record to receive payments, in the Logo Banco field, select or enter an image file of the bank’s logo.

    NetSuite uses this image to generate the bank slip files.

    To add the image file:

    1. Hover over the Logo Banco field.

    2. Click the plus icon Blue plus icon.

      The File window opens.

    3. In the Attach from field, select Computer to attach a file from your local storage, or Web to attach a file by linking to it on the internet.

    4. In the File Name field, enter a name for the file.

    5. In the Folder field, select the file cabinet folder to which to save the file.

    6. If you are attaching a file from the web, in the URL field, enter the URL to the file.

    7. If you are attaching a file from your computer, in the Select File field, click Browse and find the file you want to upload to NetSuite.

    8. In the Character Encoding field, select the proper character encoding for the file.

    9. Click Save.

  6. (Optional) If you are creating a bancos record to receive payments, in the Quebra de Linha field, enter the type of line break that should be used in the payment slips.

    This field is populated with \n by default.

  7. (Optional) If you are creating a bancos record to receive payments and want your bank slips to be all in uppercase, check the Geração em Caixa Alta box.

  8. In the Codigo ISPB field, enter the ISPB code associated with the institution.

  9. (Optional) If you are creating a bancos record to receive payments, check the Permite Uso CNAB box.

  10. (Optional) If you are creating a bancos record to receive payments, in the Implementação do Plug-in de Geração de Boleto Bancário field, select the bank slip plug-in implementation you created.

  11. Click Save.

  12. (Optional) If you are creating a bancos record to make payments to vendor and employees, add the payment methods you use.

    To add payment methods:

    1. Click the Métodos de Pagamento subtab.

    2. Click New Método de Pagamento.

      A new método de pagamento (payment method) record opens.

    3. In the Name field, enter the code and the name that identifies the payment method.

      Enter this information in the format XX - Name, for instance, 01 - Crédito em Conta. The name is displayed in forms and records that relate to this payment method.

      For more information about the codes and the names of the payment methods, refer to the bank’s and the Federação Brasileira de Bancos (FEBRABAN) guides. Some of these guides may call this information forma de lançamento or forma de pagamento.

    4. In the Segmento field, select one or multiple segments to associate with the method.

      Segments are part of the layout of delivery and return files that you exchange with the bank. You must associate segments with methods according to the bank’s guides.

    5. Click Save.

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