Entering the Number Format

Advanced Numbering enables you to use expressions in your numbering rules to add fiscal year, subsidiary, location, and transaction date information to your transaction and document numbers. Some of these expressions are tied to the segment you select in the Sequences by Segment tab, and must be used in a prefix or suffix if you want new sequences for each of these segments. For more information, see Selecting the Sequences by Segment.

If you use Fiscal Year as a segment in your numbering and want to create a new sequence for each fiscal year, you must add one of the following fiscal year expressions in the prefix or suffix. Advanced numbering checks transaction dates against these expressions to determine which fiscal year to assign.

For more information, see Using Fiscal Year Expressions with Advanced Numbering Rules.

If you want to generate numbers based only on the transaction date with no relation to a fiscal or calendar year, use the following expressions:

If you use location or subsidiary to sequence by segment, you must include an expression for location or subsidiary in the numbering rule prefix or suffix:

For the next Advanced Numbering workflow step, see Selecting the Sequences by Segment.

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