PIS and COFINS Calculation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The Programa de Integração Social (PIS) and the Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) apply to services that your company provides or hires.

Setting Up PIS and COFINS Calculation on Provided Services

The Programa de Integração Social (PIS) and the Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) taxes apply to your company’s revenue, which comes from the services your company provides.

To set up PIS and COFINS calculation on provided services:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de Impostos de Serviço.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click the PIS/COFINS/CSLL subtab.

  4. Click the PIS/COFINS - Importação sublist.

  5. In the Código de Serviço column, select the service code associated with the service provided.

    The column displays the service codes listed on the attachments of Law no. 116, of July 31, 2003, from the Brazilian federal government.

  6. In the Regime de Apuração column, select the assessment regime your company uses to assess PIS and COFINS.

  7. In the Alíquota PIS column, enter the PIS rate on the service.

    If you have selected the Regime Cumulativo or Regime Não-cumulativo options in the Regime de Apuração column, the PIS rate is automatically populated. You can enter a different PIS rate, if required.

  8. In the Alíquota COFINS column, enter the COFINS rate on the service.

    If you have selected the Regime Cumulativo or Regime Não-cumulativo options in the Regime de Apuração column, the COFINS rate is automatically populated. You can enter a different COFINS rate, if required.

  9. (Optional) If the parameter should only apply to a certain service item, in the Item column, select the service item the parameter applies to.

  10. (Optional) If transactions using this parameter are subject to PIS tax substitution, in the CST PIS column, select the código de situação tributária (CST) code associated with the service.

  11. (Optional) If transactions using this parameter are subject to COFINS tax substitution, in the CST COFINS column, select the código de situação tributária (CST) code associated with the service.

  12. Click Add.

    Repeat the previous steps to add parameters for as many services as required.

  13. Click Save.

Setting Up PIS and COFINS Calculation on Received Services

The Programa de Integração Social (PIS) and the Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) taxes apply to services hired by companies that are subject to the non-cumulative assessment regime, and can appropriate tax credits on acquisitions.

To set up PIS and COFINS calculation on received services:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de Impostos de Serviço.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click the PIS/COFINS/CSLL subtab.

  4. Click the PIS/COFINS -Entrada sublist.

  5. In the Código de Serviço column, select the service code associated with the service.

    The column displays the service codes listed on the attachments of Law no. 116, of July 31, 2003, from the Brazilian federal government.

  6. In the Regime Apuração column, select Regime Não-cumulativo.

  7. The Alíquota PIS column automatically displays the standard PIS rate associated with the non-cumulative regime. You can enter a different PIS rate, if required.

  8. The Alíquota COFINS column automatically displays the standard COFINS rate associated with the non-cumulative regime. You can enter a different COFINS rate, if required.

  9. (Optional) If the parameter should only apply to a certain service item, in the Item column, select the service item the parameter applies to.

  10. (Optional) If transactions using this parameter are subject to PIS tax substitution, in the CST PIS column, select the código de situação tributária (CST) code associated with the service.

  11. (Optional) If transactions using this parameter are subject to COFINS tax substitution, in the CST COFINS column, select the código de situação tributária (CST) code associated with the service.

  12. Click Add.

    Repeat the previous steps to add parameters for as many services as required.

  13. Click Save.

Setting Up PIS and COFINS Calculation on Imported Services

The Programa de Integração Social (PIS) and the Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) taxes apply to services imported from other countries.

To set up PIS and COFINS calculation on imported services:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de Impostos de Serviço.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click the PIS/COFINS/CSLL subtab.

  4. Click the PIS/COFINS - Importação sublist.

  5. In the Código de Serviço column, select the service code associated with the service.

    The column displays the service codes listed on the attachments of Law no. 116, of July 31, 2003, from the Brazilian federal government.

  6. In the Alíquota PIS column, enter the PIS rate on the service.

  7. In the Alíquota COFINS column, enter the COFINS rate on the service.

  8. (Optional) If the parameter should only apply to a certain service item, in the Item column, select the service item the parameter applies to.

  9. (Optional) If transactions using this parameter are subject to PIS tax substitution, in the CST PIS column, select the código de situação tributária (CST) code associated with the service.

  10. (Optional) If transactions using this parameter are subject to COFINS tax substitution, in the CST COFINS column, select the código de situação tributária (CST) code associated with the service.

  11. Click Add.

    Repeat the previous steps to add parameters for as many services as required.

  12. Click Save.

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