Assessing PIS and COFINS in the Cumulative and Non-cumulative Regime (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp)

The Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp enables you to assess the calculated Programa de Integração Social (PIS) and the Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) amounts for NetSuite transactions. The assessment process results in a report that contains the calculated tax amount for the selected period.

Companies that adopt the Lucro Real tax regime and are subject to both tax assessment regimes at once must assess their taxes in both the cumulative and non-cumulative regimes.

To assess PIS and COFINS in cumulative and non-cumulative regime:

  1. Create and process the livro fiscal (fiscal book) record for the assessment period.

    NetSuite considers inbound goods and services transactions in the PIS and COFINS assessment. For more information about fiscal books, see Fiscal Books for Brazil (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp).

  2. Go to Reports > BRHub – Relatórios Fiscais > Apuração PIS/COFINS Regime Simultâneo > New.

  3. In the Subsidiária field, select the company whose PIS and COFINS amounts you want to assess.

    When you select the parent company, NetSuite automatically considers its subsidiaries’ information to calculate the PIS and COFINS amounts. If you are assessing PIS and COFINS amounts for a parent company and its subsidiaries at one time, you must select the parent company.

  4. In the Data Inicial field, enter or select the start date of the assessment period.

  5. In the Data Final field, enter or select the end date of the assessment period.


    Companies usually assess PIS and COFINS monthly. Therefore, select the first and last day of the month, respectively.

  6. In the CNPJ Subsidiária field, enter the company tax registration number (CNPJ).

  7. Click the Regime Cumulativo subtab.

    On this subtab, you can enter the information about amounts subject to the cumulative regime that the system should consider in the assessment.

    1. If the company has PIS credits remaining from the previous assessment period, in the Saldo Credor PIS Período Anterior - Cumulativo field, enter the credit balance.

    2. If the company has COFINS credits remaining from the previous assessment period, in the Saldo Credor COFINS Período Anterior - Cumulativo field, enter the credit balance.

    3. Click the Outras Receitas -Regime Cumulativo subtab.

      On this subtab, you must enter information about revenue from activities which are not your company’s regular business activities. By default, NetSuite automatically lists the following revenues:

      • Receita de Aplicações Financeiras (Financial applications revenue)

      • Receita de Juros Ativos (Asset interest revenue)

      • Receita de Bens Ativo Imobilizado (Fixed asset revenue)

      • Descontos Obtidos (Discounts)

      To add amounts to these revenues or to add other revenues:

      1. In the Descrição column, enter a description for the revenue.

      2. In the Valor column, enter the revenue amount.

      3. In the Alíquota PIS column, enter the PIS rate on the revenue.

      4. In the Alíquota COFINS column, enter the COFINS rate on the revenue.

      5. Click Add.

      6. Repeat the previous steps to add as many revenue amounts as required.

    4. Click the Outras Exclusões - Regime Cumulativo subtab.

      On this subtab, you can enter deductions for this tax assessment. By default, NetSuite automatically lists the Descontos Incondicionais deduction. You must not remove this deduction from the list, even if you have no amounts to assign to it.

      To add deductions:

      1. In the Description column, enter a description for the deduction.

      2. In the Valor column, enter the deduction amount.

      3. Click Add.

      4. Repeat the previous steps to add as many deduction amounts as required.

  8. Click the Regime Não-Cumulativo subtab.

    1. If the company has PIS credits remaining from the previous assessment period, in the Saldo Credor PIS Período Anterior - Não-Cumulativo field, enter the credit balance.

    2. If the company has COFINS credits remaining from the previous assessment period, in the Saldo Credor COFINS Período Anterior - Não-Cumulativo field, enter the credit balance.

    3. Click the Outras Receitas - Regime Não-Cumulativo sublist.

      On this sublist, you must enter information about the revenue that comes from activities which are not your company’s regular business activities. By default, NetSuite automatically lists the following revenues:

      • Receita de Aplicações Financeiras (Financial applications revenue)

      • Receita de Juros Ativos (Asset interest revenue)

      • Receita de Bens Ativo Imobilizado (Fixed asset revenue)

      • Descontos Obtidos (Discounts)

      To add amounts to these revenues or to add other revenues:

      1. In the Descrição column, enter a description for the revenue.

      2. In the Valor column, enter the revenue amount.

      3. In the Alíquota PIS column, enter the PIS rate on the revenue.

      4. In the Alíquota COFINS column, enter the COFINS rate on the revenue.

      5. Click Add.

      6. Repeat the previous steps to add as many revenue amounts as required.

    4. Click the Outras Exclusões - Regime Não-Cumulativo sublist.

      On this sublist, you can enter deductions for this tax assessment. By default, NetSuite automatically lists the Descontos Incondicionais deduction. You must not remove this deduction from the list, even if you have no amounts to assign to it.

      To add deductions:

      1. In the Description column, enter a description for the deduction.

      2. In the Valor column, enter the deduction amount.

      3. Click Add.

      4. Repeat the previous steps to add as many deduction amounts as required.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click the Regime Cumulativo subtab.

  11. Click the Fonte PIS/COFINS Regime Cumulativo subtab.

    On this subtab, NetSuite displays the PIS and COFINS amounts withheld on transactions for provided services. If your company withholds PIS and COFINS on payments, the tax amounts correspond to the total amount withheld on the installments of transactions for provided services. If your company does not withhold PIS and COFINS on payments, the tax amounts correspond to the total amount withheld on transactions.

    The system deducts the payable tax from the withheld amount, because NetSuite considers that you have anticipated the payment of the taxes on the transaction.

    You can change these amounts, if required. To edit the PIS and COFINS amounts:

    1. Click Edit on the line you want to edit.

    2. In the Valor field, enter the PIS or COFINS withheld amount.

    3. Click Save.

  12. Click the Regime Não-Cumulativo subtab.

  13. Click the Fonte PIS/COFINS Regime Não-Cumulativo subtab.

    On this subtab, NetSuite displays the PIS and COFINS amounts withheld on transactions for provided services. If your company withholds PIS and COFINS on the payment, these tax amounts correspond to the total amount withheld on the installments of transactions for provided services. If your company does not withhold PIS and COFINS on the payment, these tax amounts correspond to the total amount withheld on transactions.

    The system deducts the payable tax from the withheld amount, because NetSuite considers that you have anticipated the payment of the taxes on the transaction.

    You can change these amounts, if required. To edit the PIS and COFINS amounts:

    1. Click Edit on the line you want to edit.

    2. In the Valor field, enter the PIS or COFINS withheld amount.

    3. Click Save.

  14. Click Processar.

    The tax assessment processing begins. The Status field displays the Processando status.

  15. Click Atualizar to refresh the status information.

    Keep refreshing the page until the processing status is Processado (processed).

  16. If you want to download the assessment report, in the Visualizar Apuração field, click Visualizar Relatório.

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