Brazilian Tax Codes in Accounts With SuiteTax (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

A tax code is associated with a tax type, and, in SuiteTax, a tax code record serves as a placeholder for the tax engine response.

For more information about tax codes in SuiteTax, see Tax Code Records in SuiteTax.

For more information about setting up the Brazilian tax codes in SuiteTax, see the following topics:

Running the Brazilian Tax Code Script

To create tax code records, run the script with all the Brazilian tax code information.

To run the Brazilian tax code script:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Next to the Carga Sales Tax Item (Script ID customscripto2s_carga_tax_type) script deployment record, click Edit.


    Do not edit any information on the script deployment record.

  3. From the Save dropdown list, click Save and execute.

Setting Up Tax Code Records for Brazil

In each Brazilian tax code record, select the proper ledger accounts to which to post the tax amounts.

To set up a tax code record for Brazil:

  1. Go to Customization > Taxes > Tax Codes.

  2. Next to the tax code record you want, click Edit.

  3. In the Conta Contábil Imposto a Recuperar field, select an account to which to post the tax’s receivable amounts.


    For the COFINS-IMP-SERV, IRRF-IMP-RETIDO, IRRF-IMP-SERV, ISS-IMP-SERV, and PIS-IMP-SERV tax codes, you must select an asset account.

  4. In the Conta Contábil Imposto sobre Vendas field, select an account to which to post the tax’s amounts levied on sales.


    For the COFINS-IMP-SERV, IRRF-IMP-RETIDO, IRRF-IMP-SERV, ISS-IMP-SERV, and PIS-IMP-SERV tax codes, you must select an income account.

  5. In the Conta Contábil Impostos a Recolher field, select an account to which to post the tax’s payable amounts.

  6. Click Save.

Related Topics

General Notices