Supported Calculations

In your calculations, you can use different basic operators depending on the type of data within each field you use in the measure definition: numeric, single currency, multiple currency, or duration.

To determine which measures and basic operators you can use when you define your calculated measures, see the supported calculations for each data type.

Numeric values

In calculated measures, numeric values are those that return percentage, integer, and float values. They do not return currency results.

This table shows the type of measures and basic operators that you can use with calculated measures that return numeric values.

Data Type

Plus (+) Minus (-)

Multiplied by (*)

Divided by (/)

Single currency values

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Multiple currency values

Checkmark icon

Duration values

Checkmark icon

Numeric values

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon


If the calculation that you want to use is not supported for multiple currency values but is supported for single currency values, consider consolidating or converting the selected field to a single currency field. For more information, see Currency Consolidation in Workbook.

Returned format for percentage values

When you combine percentage values with integer or float values in your calculation, the result is displayed as a decimal value.

For example, if a field with the percentage value 200% is divided by the integer value 10, the operation calculates 2.0 divided by 10. Therefore, the result returns the decimal value 0.2.

0.2 = 2.0 / 10


The result that you obtain is not a percentage value. The decimal value 0.2 corresponds to the percentage value 20%. If you want to see results as percentage values in your pivot tables and charts, you can change them to percentages. For more information see, Pivot Table Customization.

Single currency values

Single currency values are those that return values in a single currency, such as dollar amounts.

This table shows the type of measures and basic operators that you can use with calculated measures that return single currency values.

Data Type

Plus (+) Minus (-)

Multiplied by (*)

Divided by (/)

Numeric values

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Multiple currency values

Checkmark icon

Duration values

Single currency values

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Multiple currency values

Multiple currency values are those that return values in multiple currencies, such as dollars and British pounds.

This table shows the type of measures and basic operators that you can use with measures that return multiple currency values.

Data Type

Plus (+) Minus (-)

Multiplied by (*)

Divided by (/)

Numeric values

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Single currency values

Checkmark icon

Duration values

Multiple currency values

Checkmark icon


If the calculation that you want to use is not supported for multiple currency values but is supported for single currency values, consider consolidating or converting the selected field to a single currency field. For more information, see Currency Consolidation in Workbook.

Returned values for multiple currency calculations

The results that you obtain depend on how the measure definition is built:

  • Calculations with numeric values - When multiple currency values are multiplied by numeric values, the calculation returns a result for each currency. For example, if a field with the numeric value 100 is multiplied by a field with the multiple currency values 10 USD and 20 EUR, the calculation returns a result for each currency: 1000 USD and 2000 EUR.

    1000 USD = 100 * 10 USD

    2000 EUR = 100 * 20 EUR


    This also applies to multiple currency values divided by numeric values.

  • Calculations with single currency values - When you use multiple currency values and single currency values in a measure definition, the calculation only returns a result for the values that share the same currency. For example, a field with the multiple currency values 100 USD and 200 EUR plus a field with the single currency value 20 EUR returns 100 USD and 220 EUR.

    100 USD = 100 USD

    220 EUR = 200 EUR + 20 EUR


    This also applies when you calculate multiple currency values minus single currency values.

Duration values

Duration values are those that return values in units of time such as hours, minutes, and seconds.

This table shows the type of measures and basic operators that you can use with calculated measures that return duration values.

Data Type

Plus (+) Minus (-)

Multiplied by (*)

Divided by (/)

Numeric values

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Single currency values

Multiple currency values

Duration values

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

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