Generating a CNAB 400 Delivery File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The CNAB system enables the exchange of information between your company and the bank. To communicate your electronic bank payments to the bank, you must submit a delivery file containing the relevant information about your banking operations.

The Brazilian Hub SuiteApp enables you to generate this delivery file in NetSuite, based on the transactions you have created on your account.

To generate a CNAB 400 delivery file:

  1. Go to BRHub > Arquivos Bancários > Processamento Arquivo Remessa > New.

  2. On the dados bancários step, enter the following information:

    1. In the Subsidiária field, select the subsidiary that sends the delivery file to the bank.

    2. In the Banco Contas field, select the banco contas (bank account) record associated with the subsidiary and the transactions.

    3. In the Layout field, select layout CNAB (CNAB layout) record NetSuite should use to create the delivery file.

  3. Click Next.

  4. On the seleção de parcelas step, enter the following information:

    1. In the Data de Vencimento Inicial field, enter a start date to filter installments starting with this due date.

    2. In the Data de Vencimento Final field, enter an end date to filter installments until this due date.

    3. (Optional) If you want to filter installments associated with a specific status, in the Status field, select a status.

    4. (Optional) If you want to filter installments associated with a specific customer, in the Cliente field, select a customer.

    5. (Optional) If you want to filter installments associated with a specific ocorrência de remessa (delivery occurrence), in the Ocorrência field, select a type of occurrence.

  5. Click Buscar.

    The results appear under the Busca list.

  6. By default, the Selecionar box is checked for all the installments on the list. If you do not want to include all the results, clear the boxes next to the installments you do not want on the file.


    You can use the Selecionar Tudo button to select all the installments at once, and the Inverter Seleção button to invert the selection.

  7. When you are done selecting the installments, click Adicionar Selecionadas.

    All the selected installments appear under the Parcelas Selecionadas list.

  8. Review the installments under the Parcelas Selecionadas list.

  9. (Optional) If you need to remove an installment from the Parcelas Selecionadas list, you can check the Selecionar box next to the installment, and click Remover Selecionados.

    The installment goes back to the Busca list.

  10. Click Next.

  11. On the geração step, review the summary of the file.

  12. (Optional) If you want to save but not generate the delivery file, check the Salvar sem Gerar box.

    If you enable this option, you are not going to be able to download the file.

  13. (Optional) Click Download to download the summary of the CNAB 400 delivery file.

    The summary is a PDF file that lists all the selected installments.

  14. Click Finish.

    The system updates and saves the record. You are redirected to the processamento arquivo de remessa record list.

  15. Find the latest record on the list and verify the information under the Status do Processamento column.

    You should refresh the page until the status in the Status do Processamento column is Processado or Erro.

  16. When the processing is done, click Download in the Arquivo column.

If the process is successful, the downloaded file is the delivery file you must send to the bank. If the process fails, the downloaded file lists the errors found during the generation of the file. Create a case with NetSuite Customer Support to send the error file and fix any issues.

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