Creating Banco Contas Records in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The banco contas (bank account) record stores your subsidiary’s banking information. You must create a banco contas record for each subsidiary and bank account that you use to perform and receive bank payments with the Centro Nacional de Automação Bancário (CNAB) system.


If you have an agreement code to make payments and another agreement code to receive payments, you must create a banco contas record for each agreement code.

To create a bank account record in Brazil:

  1. Go to BRHub > Arquivos Bancários > Banco Contas > New.

  2. In the record’s header, enter the following information:

    1. In the Nome Portador field, enter the name of your subsidiary’s bank.

    2. In the Subsidiária field, select the subsidiary that is the account holder of the bank account.

    3. If you are creating a banco contas record to receive payments through CNAB 400 in Banco Santander, do the following:

      1. In the Número Conta Cobrança field, enter your company’s checking account number.

      2. In the DV Número Conta Cobrança field, enter the checking account check digit.

    4. If you are creating a banco contas record to receive payments through CNAB 400 from any other bank or to make payments with CNAB 240 from all the banks, do the following:

      1. In the Número Conta Movimento field, enter your company’s checking account number.

      2. In the DV Número Conta Movimento field, enter the checking account check digit.

    5. In the Número Agência field, enter the account’s bank branch number.

    6. In the DV Número Agência field, enter the bank branch’s check digit.


      If you are creating a banco contas record for an account on Banco Sicredi, enter the Posto da Cooperativa value in this field.

    7. In the Conta Contábil field, select a ledger account to post the processed electronic bank payment transactions.

    8. (Optional) If you use the account to receive payments with the CNAB 400 payment file, check the Layout 400 box.

    9. (Optional) If you use the account to make payments with the CNAB 240 payment file, check the Layout 240 box.

    10. (Optional) If you want the payment slips associated with this record to display the parent company’s information as the beneficiary of the payment slip, check the Utilizar Dados de Beneficiário box.

      The payment slip’s beneficiary becomes the parent company, instead of the subsidiary that generated the slip.

    11. In the Banco field, select your subsidiary’s bank.

    12. In the Contrato/ Cód. Transmissão/ Cód. Escritural field, enter the bank contract code.

      Depending on your company’s bank, this code can be labeled as: contrato, código de transmissão, or código escritural.

    13. In the Convênio field, enter the account agreement code.

      Banks label this as convênio.

  3. (Optional) If you receive instant payments with Pix on this bank account, click the Pix subtab.

    On this subtab, you can add up to 20 Pix keys which identify the bank account. With the Pix key, the Brazilian Central Bank can find the beneficiary’s account and personal data.

    For more information about Pix payments, see Pix Instant Payments for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

    To add Pix keys, do the following:

    1. In the Tipo de Chave field, select the type of Pix key you want to add.

      BRHub supports the following types of key: CNPJ (tax registration number), email address, mobile phone number, and random key.

    2. In the Chave field, enter the Pix key.

      Some types of key require a specific number of characters:

      • CNPJ – 13 characters.

      • Mobile phone number – 14 characters.

        When entering a mobile phone number, include the country and area code before the phone number. For example, +55 XX XXXXXXXXX.


        You cannot add a Pix key that is already associated with another banco contas record.

    3. Click Add.

  4. Click the Instruções subtab.

    On this subtab, you can enter the payment instructions displayed on the payment slips generated with this banco contas record.

  5. If you selected Banco do Brasil, Banco Bradesco, Banco Itaú, or Banco Santander in the Banco field, enter the following information:

    1. In the Instruções Linha 1 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the first line of the slip’s body.

    2. In the Instruções Linha 2 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the second line of the slip’s body.

    3. In the Instruções Linha 3 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the third line of the slip’s body.

    4. In the Instruções Linha 4 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the fourth line of the slip’s body.

    5. In the Primeira Instrução de Cobrança field, select the first billing instruction.

      You must select the option prescribed by the bank. This information is usually provided on banking manuals.

    6. In the Segunda Instrução de Cobrança field, select the second billing instruction.

      You must select the option prescribed by the bank. This information is usually provided on banking manuals.

    7. In the Dias para a Primeira Instrução field, enter the amount of days to enforce the first billing instruction.

  6. If you selected Banco Sicredi in the Banco field, enter the following information:

    1. In the Instruções Linha 1 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the first line of the slip’s body.

    2. In the Instruções Linha 2 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the second line of the slip’s body.

    3. In the Instruções Linha 3 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the third line of the slip’s body.

    4. In the Instruções Linha 4 field, enter the instructions the payment slip should display on the fourth line of the slip’s body.

    5. In the Instrução de Protesto Automático field, enter the protest instruction, indicating if the protest is automatic or not.

    6. In the Número de Dias para Protesto Automático field, enter the amount of days to enforce the protest.

      When you enter the amounts 3 or 4, the days are counted as business days. When you enter an amount equal to or higher than 5, the amount of days is counted as calendar days. The lowest number allowed is 3.

  7. Click the Dados Adicionais subtab.

    On this subtab, you can enter additional information about the payment slips generated with this record.

    Enter the following information:

    1. To indicate that payment of the payment slips is set as accepted, check the Aceite box.

      By default, the acceptance field on the payment slips is set as N (not accepted). By checking this box, the default becomes S (accepted).

    2. In the Taxa Diária de Juros field, enter the daily interest rate that should be applied on the payment after the payment slip’s due date.

    3. Do not enter any information in the Custo Adicional por Título field.

    4. In the Espécie dos Títulos field, select the type of payment slip you are going to generate.

    5. (Optional) If your company already used the CNAB system to send payment files before you started using BRHub, in the Número da Próxima Remessa field, enter the number of the last delivery file you sent to the bank.

      NetSuite continues counting the delivery files starting from this number. If you were not using the CNAB system before, do not enter anything in this field.

    6. In the Dias para Protesto field, enter the amount of days to enforce the protest after the payment slip’s due date.

    7. In the Multa field, enter the amount of the fine applied on the payment after the payment slip’s due date.

    8. In the Número de Dias para Multa Após Vencimento field, enter the amount of days to enforce the fine after the payment slip’s due date.

    9. Do not enter any information in the Valor do Desconto field.

    10. Do not enter any information in the Número de Dias Anterior ao Vencimento para Desconto field.

    11. Do not enter any information in the Abatimento/Valor do Segundo Desconto na Antecipação field.

    12. Do not enter any information in the Número de Dias Anterior ao Vencimento para Segundo Desconto field.

  8. Click the Configurações dos Boletos subtab.

    On this subtab, you can set up preferences for generating payment slips.

    Enter the following information:

    1. In the Código do Beneficiário field, enter your company’s beneficiary code.

    2. In the Dígito Código do Beneficiário field, enter the beneficiary code’s check digit.

    3. In the Carteira field, select the portfolio.

    4. (Optional) If your portfolio is identified by a variation code, in the Variação da Carteira field, enter the code.

    5. In the Dias para Expiração Boleto field, enter the amount of days for the expiration of the payment slip after its due date.

    6. (Optional) If you want the payment slips to be numbered sequentially, in the Nosso Número field, enter the sequential number to be incorporated in the Our Number information.

    7. In the Moeda field, select the payment slip’s currency.

    8. In the Pasta dos Boletos field, select the folder that should be used to save the payment slip files in your account’s file cabinet.

  9. Click Save.

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