Processing Brazilian Fiscal Books (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp)

Brazilian fiscal books aggregate information about your company’s inbound and outbound taxable transaction records. You can use fiscal books to verify the accuracy of your transactions’ fiscal information. Fiscal books also help you to comply with government requirements by providing bookkeeping files and reports.

Creating a Fiscal Book

To create a livro fiscal (fiscal book) record, you choose a period and subsidiary and search for taxable transactions in your NetSuite account.

To create a fiscal book record:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > Livro de Registros Fiscais > New.

  2. In the Data Inicial field, enter or select the start date of the transaction search period.

  3. In the Data Final field, enter or select the end date of the transaction search period.

  4. In the Subsidiária field, select the subsidiary used in the transactions you want to search for.

  5. Click Save.

Processing a Fiscal Book

Process the fiscal book to generate reports based on the recorded transactions.

To process a fiscal book:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > Livro de Registros Fiscais.

  2. Click View next to the livro fiscal record you want to process.

  3. Click Processar.

    The processing status in the Status Processamento field changes from Pendente Processamento (pending) to Processando (processing). The Quantidade Transações field displays the number of transactions found for the dates and subsidiary you selected.

  4. To refresh the status information, click Atualizar.

    Keep refreshing until the processing status is Processado and the amount shown in the Quantidade de Transações Processadas field is the same as the Quantidade Transações field.

Downloading Fiscal Book Reports

You can download fiscal book reports from processed livro fiscal records.

To download a fiscal book report:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > Livro de Registros Fiscais.

  2. Click View next to the livro fiscal record you want.

  3. Click the Arquivos subtab.

    The system generates a PDF and a CSV file, for each type of operation:

    • saída (outbound goods)

    • entrada (inbound goods)

    • serviços prestados (outbound services)

    • serviços tomados (inbound services)

    NetSuite generates empty files if it does not find taxable transactions for a certain type of operation.

  4. In the Arquivo column, click the name of the file to download the PDF file.

  5. In the Arquivo CSV column, click the name of the file to download the CSV file.

Adjusting a Fiscal Book

If you notice any errors in the processed fiscal books, review the cause and make the necessary adjustments. After the correction, reprocess the book.

To adjust and reprocess a fiscal book record:

  1. Go to Reports > BRHub - Relatórios Fiscais > Livro de Registros Fiscais.

  2. Click View next to the livro fiscal record you want.

  3. Click the Log de Processamento (processing log) subtab.

  4. Click the subtab corresponding to the type of operation you want to review:

    • Saída (Produtos)

    • Entrada (Produtos)

    • Serviços Prestados

    • Serviços Tomados

  5. In the Motivo column, review the cause of the processing error.

  6. After reviewing the causes in the processing log, open the affected transactions and adjust them accordingly.

  7. After you finish adjusting the transactions, click Processar to process the livro fiscal record again.

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