Autogenerated Transaction Number with Transaction Type and Location Prefixes Examples
A custom transaction instance can have a predefined transaction type prefix and a location or subsidiary prefix. The following example demonstrates how to set up a custom purchase type transaction to include both a transaction type prefix and a location prefix. It also describes how to set the initial number NetSuite uses for the autogenerated number.
Setting up transaction numbers that use a subsidiary (available in OneWorld accounts) prefix is similar to setting up transaction numbers that use a location prefix.
See the following sections:
Transaction Type Prefix
You set up the transaction type prefix in the custom transaction type record. In the following example, on the Transaction Number sublist:
The Use Location box is checked. With this box checked, the resulting transaction number includes the location prefix if one is defined on the location record.
The Prefix field has a transaction type prefix of PURCH. This prefix is added to the transaction numbers of all instances of this transaction type. In the generated transaction number, this prefix precedes the location (or subsidiary) prefix if one is used.
The Update Initial Number box is checked, and an initial number is defined in the Initial Number field. This setting is optional and defines the number that should be used for the first transaction instance. If you do not enter a value, the system (in most cases) starts the sequence at 1. This initial number is used for transactions that do not use a location (or subsidiary) prefix. If a location (or subsidiary) prefix is used, this number is ignored and the initial number setting on the location (or subsidiary) record is used instead.

For more information, see Creating a Custom Transaction Type.
Location Prefix
You set up the location prefix on the location record.
If you are using a custom entry form, ensure that the custom form makes the Location field visible. For help with custom forms, see Adding Custom Forms for a Custom Transaction Type.
On the location record in the following example:
The Transaction Number Prefix has a location prefix of KWLOC. prefix is added to the transaction numbers of all instances that are associated with this location. In the generated transaction number, this prefix follows the location (or subsidiary) prefix if one is used.
The Transaction Numbers subtab, the Update Initial Number box is checked for the transaction type, and an initial number is defined in the Initial Number field. This setting is optional and defines the initial number that should be used for the first transaction instance that uses the location. If you do not enter a value, the system (in most cases) starts the sequence at 1. If a value is entered here, it overrides the initial number on the custom transaction type record, if one is defined.

For more information, see Defining Numbering Preferences for Subsidiaries and Locations
Transaction Instance
The following screenshot of a custom transaction instance shows the results of the first custom purchase transaction instance that uses prefixes and autogenerated transaction numbering, based on the preceding setup examples.
The transaction number generated is PURCHKWLOC110:
PURCH is the transaction type prefix defined on the custom transaction type record.
KWLOC is the location prefix defined on the location record.
110 is the initial number defined on the location record.

Transaction Number Examples
The following examples show the results of autogenerated transaction numbers based on prefixes used.
No Prefixes Used
If no transaction or location (or subsidiary) prefix is used, the transaction number is based on the initial number in the transaction type record. No prefixes are included
The following screenshot shows a transaction number that does not use prefixes.

Location Prefix Used
If a location prefix is used (either alone or with a transaction type prefix) the transaction number is based on the initial number on the location record.
The following screenshot shows a transaction number that uses a location prefix only.

The following screenshot shows a transaction number that both a transaction prefix and a location prefix.

Transaction Type Prefix Used
If a transaction type prefix is used without a location (or subsidiary) prefix, the transaction number is based on the transaction number on the transaction type record.