SuiteTax Latam Engine Plug-ins for Colombia
The SuiteTax Latam Engine -Colombia Records SuiteApp provides a set of predefined SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-ins. The predefined plug-ins enable you to calculate several taxes on goods and services in Colombia with the SuiteTax Latam Engine tax engine.
For the plug-ins to run on transactions, the applicable tax determination rules and settings must meet requirements such as:
Tax code's internal name
For more information about internal names, see Associating a SuiteTax Latam Engine Plug-in Implementation With a Tax Code.
Parameter types
For more information, see Parameter Types for Colombia.
Subsidiary tax information
For more information, see Associating Tax Regime and Line of Business with Subsidiaries.
Take the requirements and parameters of each tax plug-in into account when you create and set up your tax determination rules and settings.
For more information about the predefined plug-ins, see the following help topics: