Required Setup for Using the SAF-T Reporting Framework SuiteApp
This section includes information about required steps for a proper setup of your account. Make sure you complete these steps before you start using features provided by the SAF-T Reporting Framework SuiteApp:
Setting a Country-Specific Accounting Context for SAF-T Report
Setting Account Numbers and Names for General Ledger Accounts
Setting a Country-Specific Accounting Context for SAF-T Report
If you are using a country-specific accounting context, you must set your Localization preferences to use this accounting context in the SAF-T report before you generate the file.
To set the country-specific accounting context:
Go to Home > Preferences.
On the Localization subtab, set the following preferences:
In the Accounting Context field on the Localization subtab, select your preferred country-specific accounting context that you want to be used in generating the SAF-T report.
In the Language field, select the language that corresponds to your accounting context.
Click Save.
For more information about the accounting context rules, see Accounting Contexts.
Setting Account Numbers and Names for General Ledger Accounts
Set the following preference, so that the account record's Name field displays the account name and the Display Name field displays the account number and account name.
To set account numbers and names for general ledger accounts:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
In the General Ledger section under the General subtab on the Accounting Preferences page, check the Use Account Numbers box.
Click Save.
For more information, see Accounting Preferences.
Setting the Customer/Vendor Address
Setting the address for your customer/vendor is required for the generation SAF-T version 2.0 reports provided by the SAF-T Reporting Framework SuiteApp.
To set the customer/vendor address:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers/Vendors.
From the list, click on Edit next to the customer/vendor, for which you want to set the contact information.
Click on the pen icon in the Edit table column on the Address subtab.
In the popup window, fill out all address-related fields with the contact information of your customer/vendor.
Click OK.
Click Save