Setting up Enhanced Receipt Quarantine v1 and v2
Setup the Script
To setup the script:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
To setup the Enhanced Receipt Quarantine workflow, in the Script Deployments page, beside customdeploy_qm_wf_quarantine_qd, click Edit.
To setup the Enhanced Receipt Quarantine v2 workflow, in the Script Deployments page, beside customdeploy_qm_quality_inv_res , click Edit.
In the Audience subtab, check the Roles and Employees boxes.
Click Save.
Setup the Workflow
To set up the workflow:
Go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows.
In the Workspaces page, beside the Enhanced Receipt Quarantine workflow, click Edit.
In the Workflow pane, click the Edit icon (
Set the Release Status to Suspended.
Click Save.
In the Moreā¦ list, click Make Copy
The workflow copy opens in edit mode.
In the Workflow pane, click the Edit icon(
Change the Release Status of the copied workflow to Released.
Click Save.
To configure the workflow parameter, open the workflow.
Complete the following procedure for Fail, After Date Creation, and Pass, states:
Click the state.
In the States pane, click the Actions button.
Click Quarantine on Quality Data.
The Parameters subtab should display the following values:
Create Bin Transfer
<When bin transfer is needed.>
Pre-Inspection Bin
<Bin name>
Pre-Inspection Bin must be the same in all the three states: Pass, After Data Creation, and Fail.
Bin On Pass
<Bin name when a case inspection is passed>
Bin On Fail
<Bin name when a case inspection fails>
Change Inventory Status
<When status change is needed>
Pre-Inspection Status
<Status name>
Pre-Inspection Status must be the same in all the three states: Pass, After Data Creation, and Fail.
Inventory Status on Pass
<Status name when an inspection is passed>
Inventory Status on Fail
<Status name when an inspection fails>
Note:Only one Enhanced Receipt Quarantine or Enhanced Receipt Quarantine v2 Workflow is in released status.
To make sure the bins you have selected are in the same location in all states of workflow, go to Lists > Supply Chain > Bins.
Setup Items
To setup items:
To set the quality specification context for a transaction for an item with Pre-Inspection Action, go to List > Accounting Items.
Beside the item you want to review, click Edit.
In the Custom subtab, beside the Quality Specification you want to review, click Edit.
In the Pre-Inspection Action field, select the Enhanced Receipt Quarantine and Quarantine v2.
Click Save.
To enable bin selection:
Go to List > Accounting > Items.
Beside the item you want to review, click Edit.
Click the Purchasing/Inventory subtab.
In the Inventory Management section, click the Use Bins box.
Click Save.
Setup Multiple Actions in a Workflow
The default action is displayed in all three states of the workflow. The following procedure describes how to create location-specific actions.
To setup multiple actions in a workflow:
Go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows.
Besides the Enhanced Receipt Quarantine workflow, click Edit.
In the Workspace pane, click After Data Creation.
In the State pane, click New Action.
In the New Action page, click Quarantine on Quality Data (Custom).
In the Workflow Action page, beside the Condition field, click the open icon (
In the Workflow Condition popup window, select the following:
Select a Record.
From the Field list, select Location.
In the Selection field enter your location.
Click Save.
The Workflow Action page, the Parameters subtab shows the Pre-Inspection Bin, Bin on Pass, and Bin on Fail field. You need to update each field for a given location.
The State pane now displays two actions, and each action is specific to a location. For example, one action is for the New York location and the second is for the Washington location.
You must also configure pass and fail workflow states, so that the workflow will launch for both locations Item receipts.
Lots will be assigned to the inventory transaction and are ready to dispatch during Item fulfillment. The Quality Management workflow will not modify the Inventory status or bin during Item Fulfilment.