Using OAuth 2.0 to Connect to Planning and Budgeting

You can use OAuth 2.0 to connect to your Planning and Budgeting application from NetSuite. To authenticate through OAuth 2.0, you need to store values obtained from your Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) application in NetSuite.

To set up OAuth 2.0 to connect to Planning and Budgeting:

  1. In Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS), go to the Integrated Applications page, and click Add Application. Then, do the following:

    1. Select the Mobile Application type.

    2. Enter a name for the application, and click Next.

    3. Check the Refresh token and Device code boxes.

    4. Clear the Implicit box.

    5. In the Client IP address section, select Anywhere. Then, click Finish.

    6. On the created record, do the following:

      1. From the General Information section, copy the Client ID value.

      2. Click Activate.

  2. Go to the Domains page, and select the domain.

    You can get the domain name from the Planning and Budgeting login screen.

  3. Go to the Overview page, and copy the Domain URL value.

  4. In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > Planning and Budgeting > Connection Settings.

  5. For the OAuth 2.0 type, click Configure.

  6. In step Enter Parameters, enter the following credentials:

    1. In the IDCS URL field, provide the domain URL value copied from your IDCS application.

    2. In the Client ID field, provide the client ID value copied from your IDCS application.

  7. Click Next.

  8. In step Provide Consent, copy the code and click the verification URL. If prompted, log in to your Oracle cloud account.

  9. In your Oracle cloud account, paste the code to provide consent for this logged-in user to connect from NetSuite to your Planning and Budgeting application. The user must have at least a Power User role with access to the target Planning and Budgeting application.

  10. Go back to the OAuth 2.0 configuration page in NetSuite, and click Finish.

For guidelines and instructions on creating an IDCS application, see the Oracle Help Center topic Add a Confidential Application. For general information about AOuth 2.0, see the NetSuite Help Center topic OAuth 2.0.

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