Configuring CAMT.053 Parser

When you choose a standard CAMT.053 transaction parser, the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile is automatically populated with default mapping values. The default values are used to map XML elements to NetSuite fields. You can add new mappings or override the default values.

The following table lists the default mapping values for CAMT.053 parser.

NetSuite Field

File Mapping

Transaction Type

Account Mapping ID

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Acct> <Id> <IBAN>

Account Mapping ID

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Acct> <Id> <Othr> <Id>

Statement Date

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <CreDtTm>

Opening Balance Code

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Bal> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Cd>

Closing Balance Code

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Bal> <Tp> <CdOrPrtry> <Cd>

Opening Balance

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Bal> <Amt>

Closing Balance

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Bal> <Amt>

Credit/Debit Indicator for Opening Balance

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Bal> <CdtDbtInd>

Credit/Debit Indicator for Closing Balance

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Bal> <CdtDbtInd>

Transaction Date

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <BookgDt> <Dt>

Transaction Date

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <ValDt> <Dt>

Credit/Debit Indicator for Transaction Amount

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <CdtDbtInd>

Transaction Amount

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <Amt>

Transaction Currency

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <Amt>

Financial Institution ID

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <AcctSvcrRef>

Source ID

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <AcctSvcrRef>

Transaction ID or Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <TxDtls> <Refs> <PmtInfId>

Transaction ID or Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <TxDtls> <Refs> <InstrId>

Transaction ID or Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <TxDtls> <Refs> <EndToEndId>

Transaction ID or Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <TxDtls> <Refs> <ChqNb>

Transaction ID or Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <TxDtls> <Refs> <ClrSysRef>

Transaction ID or Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <TxDtls> <Refs> <TxId>

Transaction ID or Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <Btch> <PmtInfId>

Transaction Code (Proprietary)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Prtry> <Cd>

Transaction Code (Domain ISO)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Cd>

Transaction Code (Family ISO)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <Cd>

Transaction Code (Sub-Family ISO)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <BkTxCd> <Domn> <Fmly> <SubFmlyCd>

Memo (Unstructured)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Ustrd>

Memo (Structured - Referred Document Information)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <RfrdDocInf> <Nb>

Memo (Structured - Credit Reference Information)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Ref>

Memo (Structured - Additional Remittance Information)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <AddtlRmtInf>

Memo (Additional Entry Information)

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <AddtlNtryInf>


<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <InitgPty> <Nm>


<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <Dbtr> <Nm>



<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <UltmtDbtr> <Nm>



<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <Cdtr> <Nm>



<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <UltmtCdtr> <Nm>



<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RltdPties> <TradgPty> <Nm>

Transaction Status

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <Sts>

Invoice Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <RfrdDocInf> <Nb>

Invoice Number

<BkToCstmrStmt> <Stmt> <Ntry> <NtryDtls> <TxDtls> <RmtInf> <Strd> <CdtrRefInf> <Ref>

The following sections describe how you can configure the CAMT.053 parser.

Configuring the Transaction Field Mappings for the CAMT.053 Parser

To accommodate the different versions and information included in the bank files, you can create new field mappings or override the existing ones. This option enables you to import all the information in the statement file that is relevant to you.

To add a new or update field mappings:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Financial Institution > List.

  2. Click View next to the financial institution record where you want to add or edit a format profile. For more information, see Creating Format Profiles.

  3. On the Financial Institution page, click the CAMT format profile that you want to edit.

  4. On the Format Profile page, click Edit.

  5. Under the Parser Configuration subtab, do any of the following:

    • To add a new mapping:

      1. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and select the NetSuite field.

      2. In the Field Mapping, enter the corresponding XML path element to source the information from the file. Each element must be separated by a space.

      3. Click Add.


      Take note of the following when adding a new mapping:

      • If the payment file contains elements that are mapped to the same NetSuite field, the parser will map the field to the first tag present in the file. This scenario does not apply to the memo field. If several tags are mapped to the memo field, the parser will map all the information in the memo field, separated by a space. If the information exceeds 4k, the text will be automatically truncated.

      • You can only map a transaction type to a Payer/Payee field.

        The payer or payee name is sourced based on the order of the Payer/Payee field and the transaction type defined on the Parser Configuration subtab.

    • To update an existing mapping:

      1. Click the field mapping that you want to update.

      2. Enter the XML path of the new mapping in the File Mapping field.

      3. Click OK.

    • To delete a field mapping:

      1. Click the field mapping that you want to delete.

      2. Click Remove.


      There should be at least one mapping for each NetSuite transaction field. If all the mappings for a specific field are removed, you can either restore the default file mapping, or enter a new one.

  6. Click Save.

Enabling Validations on the CAMT.053 Sample Script

You can create a custom CAMT parser using the downloadable sample script, available from the File Cabinet. The CAMT script file, however, does not include any form of validation by default. If you want to enable this feature, you must provide your own XSD validation file for CAMT.053.001.02.

To enable validation on the CAMT.053 script:

  1. Download the bsp_lite_parser_camt053 script from the File Cabinet. For more information, see Downloading Sample Bank Statement Parsers Scripts.

  2. On your computer, open the CAMT.053 parser script file and search for module.parseBankStatement.

    A section of the bsp_lite_parser_camt053 script.
  3. In the module.parseBankStatement code block, do the following:

    • Remove the / * and * / characters to enable the validations on the script.

    • Replace {placeholderText} with the path to your uploaded XSD file validation. For more information, see xml.validate(options)


    You can also use the standard XSD validation file for the CAMT parser, which is available from the file cabinet. To download the file, go to SuiteBundles > Bundle 293699 > com.netsuite.bsp > src > validation > bsp_camt.053.001.02.xsd. To avoid conflicts with other files, you must rename the validation file for your custom parser before uploading it to the file cabinet.

  4. Save your file.

  5. Deploy the modified script files as a plug-in implementation. for more information, see Adding the Plug-in Implementation.

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