Configuring MT940 Parser

When you choose a standard MT940 transaction parser, the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile is automatically populated with the following list of common bank keywords.

Remittance Code


Transaction Field Mapping


End to End Reference

Transaction Number


Beneficiary Name

Transaction Payee


Beneficiary ID

Transaction Payee



Transaction Payee



Transaction Payee


Creditor ID

Transaction Payee



Customer Name





Name of the Debtor

Customer Name


Debtor ID

Customer ID


Ordering Party

Customer Name


Payment Reference

Transaction Number


Ultimate Name

Transaction Payee


Identification of the Ultimate Counter Party


Ultimate Creditor

Transaction Payee


Ultimate Debtor

Customer Name


Counterparty Account and Bank






Compensation Amount


Exchange Rate


Instruction ID


Settlement Date


Client/Orderer Reference


Mandate ID


No. of Transactions in the File


Original Amount


Interest Compensation


Original Due Date of the Collection


Purpose Code


Structured Remittance Information


Creditor Reference Type Code


Remittance Information


Return Reason


Identification Code of the Scheme


Beneficiary Bank ID


Intermediary Bank


Ordering Bank ID


Purpose Code



Configuring Bank Keywords for the MT940 Parser

The MT940 parser can read bank keywords and display them in a more readable format in the Memo field of the transaction record. If you select a standard MT940 transaction parser, you can define more keywords or edit existing ones. By default, the MT940 parser includes common keywords and descriptions used for SEPA transactions.

To configure the bank keywords:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Institution > List.

  2. Click View next to the financial institution record where you want to add or edit a format profile. For more information, see Format Profile Creation.

  3. On the Financial Institution page, click the format profile you want to edit.

  4. On the Format Profile page, click Edit.

  5. Under the Parser Configuration subtab, enter new keywords or edit the existing ones:

    • Remittance Code – Enter the keyword used in the bank statement file.

      Each keyword must start and end with a forward slash “/”. If there is no beginning and ending forward slash, the keywords cannot be converted properly. If the keywords appear in succession, a double forward slash must be present between the keywords. For example, /BENM//NAME/.

    • Description – Enter a description for the remittance code. This will be displayed in place of the remittance in the Memo field of the transaction record.

    • Transaction Field Mapping – Select the field where you want to map the remittance code.


    If the bank file contains keywords that are mapped to the same field, the parser will map the field to the first keyword in the file.


    Bank File

    Memo Field


    :86:/EREF/1234567890ABCD/BENM//NAME/XYZ Corporation

    :86:/REMI/PURCHASE OF GOODS/ISDT/2012-12-30:86:/CSID/4500900868

    End-to-end Reference: 1234567890ABCD, Beneficiary Name: XYZ Corporation, Remittance Information: Purchase of Goods, Settlement Date: 2012-12-30, Creditor ID: 4500900868

  6. Click Save.

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