Creating Source Fields
To access the LATAM File Builder SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see LATAM File Builder.
In the electronic data file structure, the source field is the child record of the section source. Source fields contain the information that will be displayed on electronic data files.
The record also has fields that enable you to define length limits, positions, and the order that information should appear in the generated file.
On file imports, NetSuite uses your source field settings to navigate the file and parse the rows.
To create a source field:
Go to Setup > Latam File Builder > File Layout.
Click View next to the layout you want.
Click the Sections subtab.
Click the name of the section you want.
Click the Sources subtab.
Click the name of the source you want.
Click the Fields subtab.
Click New Source Field.
In the Name field, enter a name for the field.
In the Sequence Number field, enter the number that represents where in the building sequence you want to place this field.
The sequence starts with the number 1.
If you want the source field to always display the same information, in the Default Value field, enter the information.
In the Dataset or Saved Search field, enter the column from the dataset or saved search from which NetSuite must retrieve the information for the source field.
In the Field Data Source field, select the source of the information you want to populate in the field.
In the Default Value for Unused Positions field, select the value you want to include in the positions that the source field do not fill.
This setting takes precedence over the value for unused positions defined in the file layout.
In the Field Length field, enter the maximum amount of characters the field should contain.
In the Initial Position field, enter the number of the initial position of the field.
In the Final Position field, enter the number of the final position of the field.
In the Decimal Separator field, select the character you want to use as decimal separator in numbers.
In the Date Format field, select the format you want to use for dates.
If you want to remove special characters from the information populated in the source field, check the Remove Special Characters box.
Examples of special characters include punctuation marks, ampersand, back slash, pipe, and other symbols.
If you want to make this source field an identifier for its parent source section, check the Source Import Identifier box.
When importing a text file, NetSuite tries to match each of the file's rows with the appropriate section sources. The source identifier enables NetSuite to locate the first field from a given section. The field's information, such as its positions, default value and dataset or saved search column, are used as a reference to import the data from all the fields from the same row.
In the Description field, enter a summary about the source field.
If you want the content of the source field to be kept unformatted when it does not have a value, check the Keep Null Values Unformatted box.
If you want to remove the line breaks from the information populated in the source field, check the Remove Line Breaks box.
If you want to remove accent marks from alphabetical characters on the information populated in the source field, check the Remove Accent Marks box.
Examples of accent marks include the acute accent, circumflex, and tilde.
Click Save.
(Optional) If you want to associate this source field with another field, do the following:
Click the Related Fields subtab.
Click New Related Source Field.
In the Name field, enter the name of the related source field.
In the Related Source Field field, select the source field with which you want to associate the parent source field.
The related source field can either serve as a basis for the output of the parent source field, or it can receive information from the parent source field.
(Optional) In the SuiteQL query field, enter the field from the SuiteQL query that contains the unique information to be included in the parent source field.
Enter a SuiteQL query only if the parent source field is a text field and provides information to the related source field. If the parent source field is an ID field or receives information from the related source field, do not fill this field.
Click Save.