Creating Section Sources
To access the LATAM File Builder SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see LATAM File Builder.
In the electronic data file structure, the section source is the child record of the layout section. Section sources indicate the datasets or saved searches from which NetSuite collects information to populate layout sections.
You can choose from three different types of sources for a section:
SuiteAnalytics dataset or workbook
For more information, see SuiteAnalytics.
SuiteQL query
For more information, see SuiteQL.
Saved search
For more information, see Saved Searches.
After you save the section source, you can create source fields to populate the information on the file.
To create a section source:
Go to Setup > Latam File Builder > File Layout.
Click View next to the layout you want.
Click the Sections subtab.
Click the name of the section you want.
Click the Sources subtab.
Click New Section Source.
In the Name field, enter a name for the source.
(Optional) If you want to create a hierarchy of sources, in the Parent field, select the section source you want to set as the parent of this record.
The hierarchy enables the child record to access the parent's data sources.
In the Code field, enter a code to identify this section source.
You can use this code to refer to the section source in the plug-in implementation.
In the Description field, enter a summary about the section source.
In the Sequence Number field, enter the number that represents where in the building sequence you want to place this source.
The sequence starts with the number 1.
In the Type field, select the type of data you want to use in this section source.
If you select Header or Trailer, the system returns a single row with no data. If you select Data, NetSuite returns all the data source rows.
To customize how you obtain data from the source, click the Data Source subtab.
To obtain information from a saved search, SuiteAnalytics custom dataset or workbook, in the ID of the Data Source field, enter the ID of the saved search, dataset or workbook.
To obtain information through a SuiteQL query, in the SuiteQL Query field, enter the query.
For more information about SuiteQL, see SuiteQL.
If you enter a SuiteQL query, NetSuite ignores the ID of the data source field.
To group the dataset by specific columns, in the Grouping Key field, enter the IDs of the dataset columns separated by pipes, for example: transaction|itemid.
When you enter a grouping key, NetSuite only returns the first row of the group. If you do not enter any grouping key, all rows in the dataset are returned.
For example: if your SuiteQL query returns a dataset with invoices and their line items, but you only need the first row of each invoice, enter the invoice column ID as the grouping key.
If this section source is a child record, in the Parent Row Key field, enter the dataset column ID set as the row key in the parent data source.
In the Row Key field, enter the dataset column ID you want to use as a key for this row.
Row keys can be used to identify a row as parent in a parent/child relationship with other rows in the same file.
In the Row Inclusion field, enter the dataset column ID that determines if the row should be included in the generated file.
The field supports affirmative (T, true, Y, yes, 1) and negative (F, false, N, no, 0) Boolean values.
Click Save.