Note Type

Note type defines a list of values that are used by the note record to set the type of note. In the UI, this is a user defined list at Setup > Sales > Setup Tasks > CRM Lists.

Use the note type record to create new note types and expose them to REST web services.

To learn more, see Note Type.

This record:

There are no prerequisites for using this record through REST web services.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the note type record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s note type reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for a note type REST record is notetype.

Code Sample

The following samples show common use cases for notetype.

Creating a Note Type

              POST https://{{REST_SERVICE}}/services/rest/record/v1/notetype
Body: {
"description": "NoteType description 1696527953", "isInactive": false, "name": "NoteType 1696527953", "externalId": "ext_1696527953",


Retrieving a Note Type



Updating a Note Type

              PATCH https://REST_SERVICE/services/rest/record/v1/notetype/209
{ "description": "Updated NoteType description 1696528478", "isInactive": true, "name": "Update NoteType 1696528478"


Deleting a Note Type

              DELETE https://REST_SERVICE/services/rest/record/v1/notetype/209 


Related Topics

General Notices