Setting Up an Expense Account for Default SuiteProcurement Expense Category
The SuiteProcurement SuiteApp includes the Default SuiteProcurement Expense Category to record expenses for SuiteProcurement purchases. If you want to post expenses to a particular expense account, you can select an account for the default SuiteProcurement expense category.
To set an expense account for the default SuiteProcurement expense category:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Expense Categories.
Beside Default SuiteProcurement Expense Category, click Edit.
In the Expense Account field, select an account.
Click Save.
You can also create a new expense category for the different SuiteProcurement expense types using the following steps.
To create a new expense category for a SuiteProcurement expense type:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Expense Categories > New.
In the Name field, enter a name for the expense category.
In the Expense Account field, select an account to post expenses of this particulary category to the account.
Check the Include for SuiteProcurement Purchases box to include this expense category for SuiteProcurement purchases.
In the SuiteProcurement Expense Type field, select an expense type.
Click Save.