Inspection Data Reporting

Inspection tasks can be performed only by employees who have been assigned to an inspection. This ensures that inspection reporting is carried out by the approved employees and prevents unauthorized personnel from updating data.

QM Parameters

Complete the QM Parameters page to assign employees to an inspection, restrict inspected data updates, and to control email notifications.

To allow an assigned employee to perform an inspection:

  1. Go to Quality > Preferences > Parameters.

  2. In the QM Parameter page, Custom Form field, select the Standard QM Parameters Form or the Custom QM Dynamic Parameters Form.

  3. To remove all references to this record from your account, check the Inactive box.

  4. In the Key field, select Only assigned employees can inspect.

  5. Check the Assignee Only box so that only the assigned employee can record a quality specification queue in the tablet.

    An unassigned queue can be recorded by any employee.

  6. If you selected the Standard QM Parameters Form, check the Value box.

    Clear this box to allow any employee can report data.

  7. Click Save.

To restrict inspected data updates:

  1. In the QM Parameter page, check the Restrict Updates box.

    Clear this box to allow these records to be updated for inspections.

    The following records are restricted from being updated:

    • Quality Inspection Queue

    • Quality Data

    • Quality Data Detail

    • Quality Inventory Result

  2. Click Save.

To restrict inspection queue email notifications:

  1. In the QM Parameter page, check the Restrict email to Assignee box.

    Inspection queue emails will not be sent to the assigned employee.

    Clear this box to send inspection queue emails to the assigned employee.

  2. Click Save.

Related Topics

General Notices