Specialized User: View and Approve Role

The Specialized User: View and Approve standard role gives users limited access to NetSuite. Users with this role can do basic tasks, such as viewing or approving of reports, but cannot view payroll or employees’ records. Users with this role also cannot transact within NetSuite but can approve the following transactions:

For example, this role could be granted to a manager who needs to view the team's performance and approve requisitions but doesn't need to do any other task within NetSuite.

For information about how to assign this role to an employee, see Assigning Roles to an Employee

Customizing the Specialized User: View and Approve Role

You can customize this role by creating a custom role based on the Specialized User: View and Approve role. For more information, see Customizing and Creating Roles

You can remove permissions but cannot add any permissions outside the standard role. Additionally, you cannot grant greater access than the standard permissions allow. However, you can reduce access levels as needed. If users need to access permissions that are not available in this user type, please contact your NetSuite account manager to purchase a general access license. To see which permissions are included in the Specialized User: View and Approve role, see Specialized User: View and Approve.

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