Portugal Transaction Finalization


The certification process described in this section only applies if the Portugal Localization SuiteApp version installed in your account is 2.3.0.

Version 2.3.0 of the Portugal Localization SuiteApp introduces an updated process of transaction certification that includes the following changes:

Limitations of the Transaction Finalization Process

Before you start finalizing your Portugal transactions, familiarize yourself with the following limitations related to the transaction finalization process:

  • You can only finalize one transaction at a time.

  • You can only finalize each transaction once.

  • Transaction sequential numbers and their transaction dates must have uniformly exponential growth. Thus, the date of the last finalized transaction cannot precede the date of the previous finalized transaction in a single document series.

  • You cannot finalize sales invoice transactions (cash sale, cash refund, invoice, credit memo) older than five days and transactions dated in the future.

  • To finalize a customer payment transaction, all transactions applied to it must be finalized beforehand, and the Unapplied field value on the payment record must be zero.

  • To finalize a credit memo transaction, all discount items must be applied to items being sold.

  • To finalize a sales order transaction, it must contain at least one line of an Inventory, Non-Inventory, Kit, or Assembly item type, and must have a Portugal shipping address.

  • Printing non-finalized transactions of Portugal subsidiaries is not possible.

Finalizing Portugal Transactions

This section details the process of finalizing Portugal transactions.

To finalize a transaction:

  1. Make sure that the Document Series Identifier field on the Portugal Transaction subtab is filled.

  2. Make sure that the transaction that you want to finalize complies with the rules and limitations mentioned in the Limitations of the Transaction Finalization Process.

  3. On the transaction record, click Finalize.

  4. Read the information on the alert, and click OK if you want to proceed with the finalization, or Cancel if you do not.


Remember that you should not alter data in the transaction record after your transaction is finalized.

If your transaction was successfully finalized if:

  • You see a transaction finalization notice on the transaction record.

  • The Finalize button text changes to Finalized, and clicking it is disabled.

  • The fields on the Portugal Transaction subtab are populated with certification data. For more information, see Certification Data on the Portugal Transaction Subtab.

Resolving Errors in Finalizing Portugal Transactions

If your transaction finalization fails, you will see an error banner describing the reason(s) on the transaction record. The following table details possible finalization error scenarios and their suggested solutions:

Failure Reason


Your role is not authorized to finalize transactions, the transaction was deleted, or the transaction cannot be finalized.

Verify these cases and contact your administrator if you are unsure about your finalization authorization.

The document series identifier is missing.

On the Portugal Transaction subtab, edit the Document Series Identifier list and save the transaction.

The date of this transaction cannot precede the date of the last finalized transaction in the same document series.

Please change the transaction date accordingly or select a different Portugal document series.

There are unapplied amounts on your customer payment transaction.

Make sure that the Unapplied field value on your customer payment record is zero.

One or more transactions applied to your customer payment are not finalized.

Finalize all transactions applied to your customer payment before you finalize the payment itself.

There are invalid lines on your credit memo transaction. The certification process does not support using credit memo transactions containing discount items that are not applied to items being sold.

Make sure that all discount items on your credit memo transaction are applied to items being sold.

Your sales order does not have a Portugal shipping address. You can only certify sales orders with Portugal shipping addresses.

Change the shipping address on your sales order transaction to a Portugal one.

Sales orders must contain at least one line of an Inventory, Non-Inventory, Kit, or Assembly item type.

To be able to finalize a sales order, include at least one of the mentioned item types in your transaction.

You cannot finalize sales invoice transactions (cash sale, cash refund, invoice, credit memo) older than five days and transactions dated in the future.

Please change the transaction date accordingly before you try to finalize the transaction again.

For more information, see Limitations of the Transaction Finalization Process.

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General Notices