Bulk Updating WFM Automatch Settings

You can update your automatch settings in bulk if all or multiple locations share the same automatch settings.

To update automatch settings in bulk:

  1. Go to Setup > Locations.

  2. On the top right section, click Bulk Actions. Click Automatch.

  3. On the Automatch and rounding settings page, configure location settings.

    1. Set the filters.

    2. From the Available Choices panel on the left, select the locations where you want the automatch settings to apply.

      If you want to select all locations, click Choose All.

    3. To move the chosen locations to the Chosen Items panel on the right, click the blue right arrow symbol at the middle of the panels.

      If you want to clear your chosen items, click Clear All.

    4. In the Default Grace period field, enter the number of minutes before or after a scheduled shift that WFM should consider when comparing to the timesheet. WFM automatically matches the times that fall within the grace period.

    5. If you want to round off employee punches to a specific interval, check the round shifts to a multiple of box.

      If you checked the box, enter the nearest interval, in minutes, to round off shifts.

  4. Set the automatch settings that you want to apply to all of the selected locations.


    Available Settings


    • length is within X minutes of scheduled

    • start is less or equal X minutes before scheduled

      with an option to round to scheduled time

    • start is less or equal X minutes after scheduled

      with an option to round to scheduled time

    • finish is less or equal X minutes before scheduled

      with an option to round to scheduled time

    • start is less or equal X minutes after scheduled

      with an option to round to scheduled time


    • start is within X minutes minutes of scheduled

    • length is within X minutes of scheduled

    • length is at least the same as scheduled

    Punch events

    • only punches with confirmed visual verification

    • only punches with no notes

  5. Click Save.

General Notices