NSEB Limitations and Best Practices for OBN
General limitations of the NSEB SuiteApp:
If your NetSuite account is authorized but a subsidiary is not added, then re-authorization is required when you go back to the OBN Registration page.
On the Consent page, after you click the Allow button, if you click the Go Back button again, the authorization stops and the user is redirected back to the registration page.
All the subsidiaries must be registered by the same OBN Manager
The OBN Manager must not be deactivated or deleted if the manager authorizes and registers even one subsidiary successfully.
Before deactivating or deleting an OBN manager, there should be an existing replacement for them. If there are other users with the OBN Manager, there would be no problem and the document exchange process does not break.
After the OBN registration, you cannot modify the details from NetSuite. You must use OBN website to update the details directly.
You cannot undo a registration of a subsidiary.
NSEB does not support subsidiary hierarchy structure modification feature after Registration. Changing the parent subsidiary and child subsidiary hierarchy after the subsidiary registration can result in functionality breakages.
NSEB, OBN Registration and Avalara for e-invoicing and available only in Legacy One World accounts.
The OBN Registration in NSEB is not available in the following accounts:
Related Topics:
You must do the OBN Registration and Avalara Provisioning in the production and then perform the linking in sandbox.