Installing the Israel Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp

To install the Israel Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp:

  1. In NetSuite, go to SuiteApps.

  2. In the Search Apps input field, enter Israel Electronic Invoicing.

  3. Click Israel Electronic Invoicing.

  4. In the top right of the SuiteApp details page, click Install.

  5. Wait for the installation to complete.

Configuration of Subsidiary and Customers

After installing the SuiteApp, you need to make some configurations at Subsidiary and Customer level before starting to use the Israel Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp.

To configure a subsidiary before using the Israel Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp

  1. Go to Setup > Subsidiary,

  2. The selected country for the subsidiary must be Israel.

  3. The selected currency for the subsidiary must be New Israeli Shekels (ILS).

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    1. Israel Accounting Software Number

    2. Israel Authorized Company

    3. Israel Client Software Key

  5. If you need to issue invoices or credit memos related to a dealer's union, you can use the parent subsidiary's VAT Number in the Union VAT Number field.

  6. Go to Setup > E-Documents > E-Document Templates.

  7. Select the Avalara Israel Outbound Invoice/Credit Memo template and click Edit.

  8. Select the configured Israel subsidiaries and click Save.

To configure customers

  1. For each customer involved in transactions covered by the Israel Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, open the corresponding Customer Record.

  2. Go to the E-document tab and select the Israel E-Document Package.

  3. In the Financial tab, fill in the Tax Registration Number field with the corresponding number.

To configure employees

  1. For each employee involved in transactions covered by the Israel Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, open the corresponding Employee Record.

  2. Fill in at least one of these fields:

    1. Israel Service Operator ID

    2. Israel Service Operator Name

General Notices