Enhanced Receipt Return Authorization Workflow
The Enhanced Receipt Return Authorization workflow automatically generates Return Receipt Authorizations based on lot and serial number inspection results. It creates return authorizations for lot and serial numbers that do not meet quality standards ensuring that non-compliant items are identified and processed for return. This automation improves efficiency, reduces manual intervention, and accelerates the handling of returns based on inspection outcomes.
Enhanced Receipt Return Authorization Roles
Each of the following three roles can perform different tasks within the enhanced receipt return authorization workflow.
Quality Administrator: Set up and configure the return authorization workflow:
Define return criteria at the item level.
Specify whether the entire inventory or only the failed items should initiate a return authorization based on inspection results.
Quality Engineer: Perform inspections for received lots and serial numbers. Quality Engineers identify items that do not meet predefined quality standards to ensure that potential returns are accurately assessed.
Quality Administrator: Review and approve inspection results so that the system automatically generates return authorizations for non-compliant items. This initiates a vendor return to ensure that non-compliant items are identified and processed for return without manual intervention.
The Enhanced Receipt Return Authorization Process
To initiate a vendor return for the lots or serial numbers that failed inspection. in the Quality Specification Context page, in the Action field, select Return to Vendor.
Check the Return Only Failed Inventory.
To return all received inventory, clear the Return Only Failed Inventory box.
The Enhanced Receipt Return Authorization Workflow
Your organization creates a Purchase Order.
You receive a vendor delivery.
Complete the Item Receipt.
Quality Management then generates a Quality Inspection Queue.
The status of each lot or serial number is automatically evaluated.
The system generates the vendor return for the failed lot or serial number.
You can view the Vendor return in the Purchase Order Quality Inventory Results subtab.