The Statistical Sampling Workflow
To use Statistical Sampling, follow this workflow:
Create a statistical sampling template:
Go to Quality > Setup > Sampling.
Complete the QM Statistical Sampling Template.
Define the defect type:
In the Statistical Sampling Context, you can define the parent transaction for Item Receipts and Item Fulfillments.
Update or create a Quality Inspection.
In the Inspection Sampling section, in the Sampling Requirement field, select Statistical Sampling.
The system automatically associates the following sampling summary fields:
Samples Inspected
Critical Defects
Major Defects
Minor Defects
To define pass-fail criteria, click the Pass Fail Criteria subtab and then define the Defect Type:
Click Save.
In the corresponding Quality Specification, define the QM Statistical Sampling Context based on your organizational requirements:
Item Based
Volume Based for an Item
Transaction Based for an Item
Transaction & Volume Based for an Item
Perform the transaction:
Complete the transaction.
For example, in the Item Receipt, receive the lot.
The system generates the inspection queue for the received inventory and the sampling inspection that was defined in the template.
Perform the inspection.
The defect type displays the following field colors in the QM tablet:
Critical – dark red
Major – orange
Minor – yellow
During the inspection, enter the following information:
Number of samples inspected.
Number of samples with critical defects.
Number of samples with major defects.
Number of samples with minor defects.
Record the inspection.
Quality Management evaluates the status of the inspection according to the template definition.
The Quality Sampling Summary Data page displays the details of sampling summary data.