Updating the Data Load Mappings of the Account and Subsidiary Dimensions

In Data Management, for both the Account and Subsidiary dimensions, update the data load mappings of the following transaction-related data load rules:

For both dimensions, update the Like and Explicit mappings. Also, for the Account dimension, update the mapping scripts.

To update the data load mappings of the Account and Subsidiary dimensions:

  1. In Data Management, click the Workflow tab, and then under Data Load, click Data Load Mapping.

  2. In the POV bar, click the link next to Location.

    The Select Point of View window appears.

    1. In the Location field, enter the data load rule.

      For example, enter IncStmt_Trans.

    2. Click OK.

  3. From the Dimensions list, select Account.

  4. Click the Like tab.

  5. To edit the Account script, click the Edit icon under the Script column.

  6. In the Edit Script window, delete the ENTITYx=ENTITY, line, and then click OK.

  7. From the Dimensions list, change the field to Subsidiary.

  8. Click the Like tab.

  9. Click Add.

  10. In the new row, enter an asterisk (*) in the Source Value field.

  11. Enter Ignore in the Target Value field.

  12. Click the Explicit tab.

  13. Click Add.

  14. In the new row, for the Source Value and Target Value fields, enter the subsidiary value that corresponds to your base currency.

    For example, if your base currency is USD, then the corresponding subsidiary value for United States, so you would enter SUB_2.

  15. Click Save.

  16. Repeat steps 2 – 15 for each of the required data load rules.

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