Updating the Business Rule Properties of Action Menus

You must change the business rule properties of certain action menus so that the action menu items execute the business rule that supports single currency.

The following table lists the action menus to update, along with the corresponding action menu items and single currency business rules to set:

Action Menu

Action Menu Item

Single Currency Rulesets and Rules

NFS_All Accts Fcst Data Refrsh

All Accts Fcst Data Refresh

NFS_Single Curr -All Accts Forecast Data Refresh

NFS_BS Forecast Data Refresh

BS Forecast Data Refresh

NFS_Single Curr -BS Forecast Data Refresh

NFS_IS Forecast Data Refresh

IS Forecast Data Refresh

NFS_AGG_ALL -IncStmt -Forecast


If you have not already done so, ensure that you execute a database refresh before you begin following the steps. For more information, see Refreshing Application Databases in the Oracle Help Center.

To edit the business rule properties of an action menu:

  1. Click the Navigator icon Screenshot of the Navigator icon in NSPB, and under Create and Manage, click Action Menus.

  2. Select the action menu to edit, and then click the Edit Menu icon Edit icon.

  3. Select the corresponding action menu item, as listed in the table, and then click the Edit Menu item icon Edit icon.

    The Edit Menu Item section appears at bottom of page.

  4. Set the Business Rules field to the new corresponding business rule, as listed in the table.

    For example, if you are updating the NFS_All Accts Fcst Data Refrsh action menu, the corresponding action menu item is All Accts Fcst Data Refresh. Set Business Rules to NFS_Single Curr -All Accts Forecast Data Refresh.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Repeat steps 2 – 5 for each action menu listed in the table.

General Notices