Viewing Bank Statement Import Errors for Brazil

In NetSuite, the bank statements imported by Brazil Banking Integration appear on the Banking Import History page. On this page, you can also review import statuses and error details.

The SuiteApp also records the bank statement imports on banking integration requests. The requests can contain additional information that does not appear on the Banking Import History error details, such as additional logs and audit information.

When an import fails, review both the error details and the banking integration request to understand the errors.

To view bank statement import errors for Brazil:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > Banking Import History.

    NetSuite displays the list of imported bank statements.

  2. To view the expanded details of an imported statement, click the plus icon next to an import status.

    For more information, see Banking Import History.

  3. Take note of the internal ID of the banking integration request mentioned in the Error Details field.

  4. Go to Lists > Brazil Banking Integration > Banking Integration Request.

  5. Next to the request with the internal ID you noted down, click View.

  6. Review the request information.

  7. To view the response from the bank, click the Logs subtab.

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