Sales Tax by State Analysis Report
The U.S. Sales Tax Reports can produce a Sales Tax by State Analysis report, which is an overall report of the amount of each state's sales, your tax amounts by state, and their threshold amounts:
The total amount of sales for each state is in an orange color.
The projected tax amount based on sales for each state is in a pink color.
The report has the following columns:
The Total Sales column reports the amount from invoices, cash sales, and credits of any taxable items, at the rate for the listed tax code.
The Tax Amount column shows the tax amount for each state.
The State column shows the state where the sales occurred
To see the Sales Tax by Sales report, go to Reports > US Sales Tax Reports > Sales Tax by Sales.
U.S. Sales Tax Reports generates the report as a workbook. For more information, see Navigating SuiteAnalytics Workbook.
For general information about the SuiteApp, see U.S. Sales Tax Reports.