
Possible Values

You may need to update the SuiteCloud project manifest depending on the value you specify for a list field. When specifying a mandatory list field with a feature-dependent value, that feature must be added to the SuiteCloud project manifest as a required feature.

  • STDBODYACCOUNT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STDBODYACCOUNTINGBOOK (This value has a dependency on the MULTIBOOK feature.)

  • STDBODYACCTCORPCARDEXP (This value has a dependency on the EXPREPORTS feature.)

  • STDBODYADJLOCATION (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • STDBODYADVANCEACCOUNT (This value has a dependency on the EXPREPORTS feature.)

  • STDBODYALACONFIGURATION (This value has a dependency on the AUTOLOCATIONASSIGNMENT feature.)

  • STDBODYAPACCT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STDBODYARACCT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STDBODYASSEMBLYITEM (This value has a dependency on the ASSEMBLIES feature.)

  • STDBODYCLASS (This value has a dependency on the CLASSES feature.)



  • STDBODYDECISIONMAKER (This value has a dependency on the OPPORTUNITIES feature.)

  • STDBODYDEPARTMENT (This value has a dependency on the DEPARTMENTS feature.)


  • STDBODYDISCOUNTITEM (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)





  • STDBODYEXPENSEACCOUNT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STDBODYFXACCOUNT (This value has a dependency on the REVENUECOMMITMENTS feature.)


  • STDBODYITEMFULFILLMENT (This value has a dependency on the MULTILOCINVT feature.)

  • STDBODYJOB (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • STDBODYLEADSOURCE (This value has a dependency on the MARKETING feature.)

  • STDBODYLOCATION (This value has a dependency on the LOCATIONS feature.)


  • STDBODYOPPORTUNITY (This value has a dependency on the OPPORTUNITIES feature.)

  • STDBODYOUTSOURCINGCHARGE (This value has a dependency on the OUTSOURCEDMFG feature.)

  • STDBODYOUTSOURCINGVENDOR (This value has a dependency on the OUTSOURCEDMFG feature.)

  • STDBODYPARTNER (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)


  • STDBODYPROMOCODE (This value has a dependency on the PROMOCODES feature.)

  • STDBODYPURCHASECONTRACT (This value has a dependency on the PURCHASECONTRACTS feature.)






  • STDBODYSUBSIDIARY (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)


  • STDBODYTOLOCATION (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • STDBODYTOSUBSIDIARY (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • STDBODYTRANSFERLOCATION (This value has a dependency on the INVENTORY feature.)

  • STDBODYVENDOR (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STDCOLACCOUNT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)

  • STDCOLASSEMBLY (This value has a dependency on the OUTSOURCEDMFG feature.)

  • STDCOLCALL (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • STDCOLCASE (This value has a dependency on the SUPPORT feature.)

  • STDCOLCASETASKEVENT (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • STDCOLCHARGE (This value has a dependency on the CHARGEBASEDBILLING feature.)

  • STDCOLCLASS (This value has a dependency on the CLASSES feature.)



  • STDCOLDEPARTMENT (This value has a dependency on the DEPARTMENTS feature.)

  • STDCOLEMPLOYEE (This value has a dependency on the TIMETRACKING feature.)

  • STDCOLEVENT (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

  • STDCOLEXPENSEACCOUNT (This value has a dependency on the ACCOUNTING feature.)


  • STDCOLJOB (This value has a dependency on the JOBS feature.)

  • STDCOLLOCATION (This value has a dependency on the LOCATIONS feature.)

  • STDCOLPROJECTTASK (This value has a dependency on the ADVANCEDJOBS feature.)

  • STDCOLSUBSIDIARY (This value has a dependency on the SUBSIDIARIES feature.)

  • STDCOLTASK (This value has a dependency on the CRM feature.)

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General Notices