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Retrieves a list of child nodes from a tree, specifically when you want to retrieve the children of a particular node (specified by nparentid).



ftcmd (required)
Value must be set to getchildren.

treename (required)
Name of the tree.

orderby (optional)
Specifies the tree column in which to sort results. This order is valid only if depth=1.

where (optional)
Values of the column names containing data to use in constructing the query. Only variables whose column names appear in this list are used in constructing the query.

Legal values are: nid, nparentid, nrank, ncode, otype, oid, oversion.

For example, where=nparentid, otype uses the values in the variables nparentid and otype to build the query.

nparentid is always part of the query, if it is not specified in the where clause; or, if there is no nparentid variable set, the value of the tree root (0) is used.

Also, otype must be specified if the join is true.

where2 (optional)
Additional SQL filtering (must be well formed SQL).

depth (optional)
The default value is 1. Limits the depth of recursion when scanning a tree. Illegal values are converted to 1. Specify -1 to remove depth restrictions on scan. Note below the impact of a deep recursive search. The depth parameter must be set to 1 if join is true.

width (optional)
The default value is -1; that is, no limit. Limits the number of children per parent that are returned in the list. Illegal values are converted to -1. If width is specified, it overrides the value of limit as they become interchangeable in a single depth tree. If depth is greater than 1, width, limit, and depth are all relevant in defining the values returned in the list.

join (optional)
true or false to join to an object table. The object table holds the cache information. The default value is false.

limit (optional)
Maximum rows returned in a list.

Wildcards are not allowed in any of the variables being searched for. If a % is found in a variable whose column is specified as part of the search, it is ignored.

Object tables that are joined to are required to be registered as type obj in the SystemInfo table in order to support the caching of resultsets that are created. You cannot join to an object table if the where clause does not specify a unique classtype; that is, the returned resultset is a combination of a treenode and a single object type. Specifying a join forces the depth to 1. You may only retrieve the joined results for the current node.

Scan is depth first. Recursive (depth > 1) scan is considerably more expensive than a flat scan. All tree scan results can be cached based on system configuration. Then name of the LIST is value-of-treename.

When depth is specified as a legal positive value greater than one, an additional column depth is added to the resulting list. The name of the LIST constructed is stored in the value of the Variables.treename.

Retrieves a list of child nodes from a tree, specifically when you want to retrieve the children of a particular node (specified by nparentid). The parent node is not returned as part of the list. The corresponding object data for the nodes may be joined to the result if desired.


The getchildren command retrieves a list of child nodes from a tree, specifically when you want to retrieve the children of a particular node (specified by nparentid). The parent node is not returned as part of the list. The corresponding object data for the nodes may be joined to the result if desired.


The possible values of errno include:

No access privileges to table.
No table.
Missing or invalid parameters.
Invalid tree name.
No nodes.


See Also


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