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Encodes in the URL the name/value argument pairs passed in and writes them to an output string, in standard form, with ampersand characters (&) separating each name/value pair.



OUTSTR (required)
Input. The name of a variable to create that stores the encoded output string.

ARGS_ (optional)
Input. Name/value pairs to be packed by the tag, with the string ARGS_ as the prefix for the variable name. The names and values of these arguments are URL- encoded and incorporated into the final URL.

PACKEDARGS (optional)
Input. Previously created URL-encoded packed arguments, in standard form; that is, the output of a previous RENDER.PACKARGS tag.


The GetPageURL element encodes ("packs") the four standard Sites arguments (c, cid, ct, p) before creating a dynamic URL with them. If you need to include additional arguments in a URL, use this tag to URL-encode them ("pack" them) before passing them to the GetPageURL element.

You use this tag to pack up the arguments and store them as a string. Then, you pass that string to the GetPageURL element through the ARGUMENT parameter of a CALLELEMENT tag.

If you want to pass the packed string as-is, it should be passed as a user defined ARGUMENT parameter. You'll need to unpack the arguments before using them.

Note that the output string of this tag should not be used as a cache criteria.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

An argument is missing.


This code packs a name/value pair with restricted characters into a URL-encoded string, calls the GetPageURL element, and passes in several arguments, including the URL-encoded (packed) one:

See Also


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