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Submits an HTTP request to a specific server.



URL (required)
URL requests without protocol or host (for example, docs/index.html).

HOST (required)
Target host name.

PORT (required)
Target host port number.

SECURE (optional)
Use HTTPS. Values are true and false. Default is false.

USERNAME (optional)
Username to use to log in to the host (default is current user).

PASSWORD (optional)
User password to use to log in to the host (default is current user).

COOKIE (optional)
Session cookie to use (defaults to cookie set from previous post).

LOGOUT (optional)
Log out the user session created on the target server. Values are true andfalse, and the default is false.

PROXY (optional)
Proxy server host name (default is none).

PROXYPORT (optiona)
Proxy server port address (default is none).

OUTDATA (optional)
Variable name whose value contains output of post (default is no variable).

OUTERROR (optional)
Variable name whose value contains errors reported by post (default is no variable).

OUTCOOKIE (optional)
Variable name whose value contains the security cookie set by the post (default is no variable).


The POST tag submits an HTTP request to a specific server. This tag can use proxy information and can cause a login if connection is to a Sites engine. This tag is useful for submitting a mirror request to a remote server, or inserting a page to get data from a disk cache, and the like.


The following example posts a request to the server to execute the XML page xyz. If the page xyz does not exist then nothing is displayed on the browser.

<POST URL="/cs/ContentServer" HOST="localhost" PORT="8080" OUTDATA="outdata" >
<ARGUMENT NAME="pagename" VALUE="xyz" />

<SETVAR NAME="posterr" VALUE="errno:Variables.errno"/>
<br/>Errno after post url is <CSVAR NAME="Variables.errno" />
<br/>Output: <CSVAR NAME="Variables.outdata" />

Error Numbers

There are no possible errno for this tag.

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