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Mark a position in which new data can be added into a multi-value attribute.



ASSETID (required)
ID of the asset to be edited.

ASSETFIELD (required)
Name of the field of the asset to be edited.

ASSETTYPE (required)
Type of asset to be edited.

MODE (optional)
Legal values are html or text. The default value is html. When choosing text, Sites will encode characters such as <, >, &, etc.

DELIM (optional)
Any HTML between the newly added value and the add button. The default value is <br/>.

EDITOR (optional)
The name of the editor to use for the attribute. Valid values are:
  • fckeditor - uses the FCKeditor rich text editor
  • ewebeditpro - uses the EWebEditPro rich text editor
  • text - the old inline text editor; works only in Internet Explorer
  • dojotext (default) - like text, but works in both Internet Explorer and Firefox
  • number (for numeric fields) - like dojotext, but can impose numeric restrictions on values
  • spinner (for integer fields) - like number, but adds up/down arrows to increment/decrement the value
  • currency (for money fields) - like number, with some additional restrictions
  • calendar (for date fields) - displays a calendar to select a date

PARAMS (optional)
When editor is specified as "dojotext", "number", "spinner", "currency", or "calendar", this specifies, in JSON format, the parameters that should be passed to the underlying Dojo widgets. See The Dojo Book for a full description of all available options.

WIDTH (optional)
Width of the asset in percentage or pixels. The default value is 100% for eWebEditPro or 450 pixels for FCKEditor. When combined with editor="dojotext", specifying a value (in pixels) for the width attribute will display a fixed-size edit box, instead of an autoresizable edit box.

HEIGHT (optional)
Height of the asset in pixels only. The default value is 200 pixels. Percentage values are unsupported.


This tag marks a position in which new data can be added into a multi-value attribute.


This code creates an Add button for the headline field of Burlington Financial's AArticles asset type, using the default dojotext editor.

This code creates an Add button for a fictitious multi-value blob field, which invokes FCKeditor when clicked.

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