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This tag is DEPRECATED. Please refer to the HISTORY xml tag to get a revision history for rows in a revision tracked table.

If you still need to look up the syntax and description for debugging or whatever reasons, only then use the following description. Otherwise use the <HISTORY> xml tag.

This tag gets a revision history for rows in a revision-tracked table using the CATALOGMANAGER command.



ftcmd (required)
Value must be set to history.

tablename (required)
Name of the tracked table.

asset (required)
Value of the primary key for the row to obtain history.

version (optional)
Possible values are:

first - history of earliest revision of record.

last - history of most recent revision of record.

# - history of a specific revision number.

date - history of the record to whichever revision was current at the specified date. The date must be in SQL format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) and is expected to be GMT.

locker (optional)
Filter rows returned based on a user who has rows locked. If the current user does not have rtaudit privileges, you must specify a value for locker, creator, or both. If you specify only locker, the value must be the current user's name; otherwise, no data is returned.

creator (optional)
Filter rows returned based on the user who created the row. If the current user does not have rtaudit privileges, you must specify a value for locker, creator, or both. If you specify only creator, the value must be the current user's name; otherwise, no data is returned.

annotation (optional)
Filter rows returned based on the annotation of a row.


The history command gets a revision history for rows in a revision-tracked table.

To obtain history for all rows, the current user must have rtaudit privileges for the table. If the current user has read privileges on the table, only history for the revisions which the user has created or locked is returned. Specific versions can be specified by using the optional version parameter. Rows may be filtered using the optional parameters locker and creator. Use the optional parameter annotation to retrieve rows based on their annotation.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

No such table.
No table definition.
Database error.


This example gets the history for the row in movies whose primary key value is 95137.

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