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Asset Tags

Assets are the core of Sites. Assets are objects that can be created, edited, inspected, deleted, duplicated, placed into workflow, searched for, checked out and in with revision tracking, previewed, and published. You use the ASSET tags to extract from the Sites database the information about your assets that you want to display on your online site.

When you use an ASSET.LOAD tag to retrieve an asset from the database, Sites loads an instance of the asset into memory as an object. You then have access to that instance of the asset with the other ASSET tags until either the session is flushed (the root element exits) or the name that is used for the asset object is overwritten.

Assets can have parent-child relationships that are set up either through named associations or through unnamed relationships. Named associations are defined, asset-type-specific relationships represented as fields in the asset forms. Unnamed relationships are established, for example, when you select assets from the generic Select list boxes on the Page form.

Sites stores information about assets in the following database tables:

To create types of assets, you use the AssetMaker forms in the Sites Administrator User Interface. For more information about asset type development, see the Sites Developer's Guide.

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