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MiscSearch (Deprecated)



INDEX (optional)
(String) The name of the search index to search. If null, the default index is specified in the Sites properties av.defaultindex or verity.defaultindex, as appropriate.

WHAT (Required)
(String) Query to submit. The query is a What clause that contains search criteria in the language of the search-engine parser.

QUERYPARSER (optional)
(String) Name of the search engine query parser to use.

The AltaVista search engine supports three search types: Simple, Advanced, and Combined. Advanced is the default option if no QueryParser parameter is specified.

The Verity search engine supports three query parsers: Simple, FreeText, and BoolPlus. The QueryParser parameter tells the Verity search engine the syntax of the What clause. If the QueryParser argument is omitted in the call, then the Simple parser is used by default.The parser may be specified by the verity.parser property in the futuretense.ini file.

RELEVANCE (optional)
(String) Search engine relevance term in string format. Can be null.

LIMIT (optional)
Maximum number of assets to return.

(String) Name of the character set to use for the search.

(String) Name of the search engine to use.


The Search operation searches an index via the Sites ICS Search utility. The result set of the query is stored in a list.


Returns a list with the following columns:

Name of the index entry that matches the search criteria.

Details of the index entry that matches the search criteria.

Date the entry was added or the date specified when the index was added. Format is in Java SQL.

Relevance value associated with the search result. The closer the value is to 1, the more useful and relevant the search result is likely to be.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

Value Description
-101 No search results.
-800 Bad search type.
-801 Cannot load search engine.
-802 Unsupported search function.
-805 No default index specified.
-806 Unknown search engine.
-809 Search failed.
-810 Bad character set.
-811 Could not call native method.
-812 Index does not exist.



The following code searches for an AltaVista index given a query specified by the What parameter and an index. The example assumes that the AltaVista search is configured for article assets:

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