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Returns a blob (binary large object) stored in Sites .



authusername (required)
(String) Name of the user to log in, as registered in Sites .

(String) Password for the associated user name.

BLOBHEADER (optional)
(String) Description of the image format, which corresponds to the mimetype for returned data in the form description/extension. Specify any one of the following possible values: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/jpg.

BLOBTABLE (required)
(String) The name of the Sites table that stores assets of this type. Typically, this is the Sites ImageFile asset type. If you create your own asset type, specify that asset type instead.

BLOBCOL (required)
(String) The name of the column that contains the binary data.

BLOBWHERE (required)
(String) Value of the primary key for the row that contains the binary data.

BLOBKEY (required)
(String) The name of the column used as the primary key. Typically, this is id, unless otherwise defined.


Blob object; for example, a PDF file. The blob is base-64 encoded and wrapped in XML.




The following Java code loads an article identified by object ID.


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