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Optional for tangible goods.

Prohibited for all other offers.

The fixed cost of shipping this item.

For stores selling tangible goods, you must configure one or more transport methods when you register your electronic store. For each transport method and zone, you must indicate one of the following shipping models:

If ShippingCharge is set, its value supersedes the Transact shipping model for an item. For example, if ShippingCharge is 5 and Currency is USD, then the shipping charge for this item is $5.00, regardless of the product's total cost or weight.

If an order consists entirely of items with ShippingCharge set, then the shipping cost of the order is the sum of all the ShippingCharge values, even if the shipping model for the transport/zone combination is flat-rate.

An order can also consist of some items with ShippingCharge set and others with ShippingCharge not set. In this kind of order, items with ShippingCharge set do not figure into the order's total cost or weight. For example, given the weight-based shipping model, consider the following three-item order:

In this case, the total shipping charge is the sum of


The commerce utilities cannot diagnose inappropriate, missing, or extraneous ShippingCharge values. It is your responsibility to ensure that ShippingCharge is set properly.

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