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Required for all goods.

This is the URL of the Web page containing the catalog entry for the item, OfferURL links Transact pages back to the store.

OfferURL is prefixed by several properties in the transact.ini file that identify a particular store. By default, these come from the default catalog server properties, identified in the transact.ini file by the string: tx.defaultStore.*.

Commerce Connector constructs the complete OfferURL string as follows:

If the default catalog server properties in transact.ini are:

and ItemURL is pagename=itempage, then the concatenated URL string is:

If you have one or more stores registered with Transact, then the values that make up the OfferURL are determined by properties in transact.ini that correspond to a specific store, identified by the string tx.store_N.*, where N is a non-negative integer that identifies the store. For example, tx.store_0.*, identifies your store number one.

For example, if the registered store properties in transact.ini are:

and ItemURL is pagename=itempage, then the concatenated URL string is:

When you register a store with Transact, you must use the Sites Property Editor to manually enter the properties for that store. For instructions on using the Property Editor, see the Sites Administrator's Guide.

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