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Buyer Parameters: Introduction

This section describes the buyer parameters that are used primarily in the CSUSER tags. You use CSUSER tags to produce, obtain, and maintain information about buyers who are registered with Transact. The CSUSER tags require Commerce Connector for communication with Transact.

Buyers who are registered with Transact have already set up accounts that identify their names, billing addresses, and payment brands. When registered buyers log in and identify themselves, Sites retrieves their account information and sends it using the Commerce Connector to Transact for processing.

In contrast, walk-in buyers do not have Transact accounts. Therefore, walk-in buyers must provide all name, billing address, and payment brand information.

Buyer parameter names are case-sensitive. Values, including numeric quantities, are strings for both input and output.

Some buyer parameters are composite names that consist of a field name concatenated with a hyphen and a secondary field. Those parameters with the same field name are stored within a common hierarchical object.

You set and retrieve individual buyer parameters in a manner similar to that used for shopping cart parameters.

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