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Queries the SitePlanTree table and then creates a list of pages, starting with the page node that you specify.



name (required)
Input. Name assigned to the site plan node whose unplaced or placed pages you want to list. This node must be loaded and assigned a name before you can pass its name to this tag. (See siteplan:load .)

placedlist (required)
Input. Name to assign to the list of placed pages.

level (optional)
Input. Number of node levels to list, starting with the node identified by the name parameter. The default is 10000.


This tag creates a hierarchical list of the pages in the site plan. You can determine which page node to start with and how many levels in the hierarchy to list.

The list contains the following column names:

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

The implementing class is invalid.
There is a missing method for the implementing class.
The method could not be invoked successfully.
A required parameter is missing.
The requested object is not in the object pool (is not loaded into memory).
The object ID is not valid.
The version of the object is not valid.
The node ID of the object is not valid.
More than one object met the specified criteria.


This code lists all the placed pages under the site plan node identified as "thePubNode" to one level in the tree; that is, it lists the child pages for "thePubNode" but not its grandchildren, or great-grandchildren, and so on.

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